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Undeterred by the knockdown, Dana aims and fires......
Dana is sooo smart, u wish u knew all those kewl medical terms don't u?

Actually the name is Scully. Dana Scully.

What no Coke?? I hate Pepsi!!
Well, Senator, I might have been there or I might not have, I can't recall....
Now where is Mulder's password hmmm... p-o-r-n-o??

Ground Control to Agent Scully... Ground Control to Agent Scully...

You mean to tell me I joined the FBI for this??
Scully, Scully everywhere. Enjoy these shots of the premier agent in the FBI. Dana is the most intelligent, dedicated, and inquisitive resource the US government has available. Maybe we can induce her to join the dark side, anyone who spends that much time with a laptop has to know something. Now isn't it plain who is the kewlest?? After Lara of course.....

Obviously, you need to be introduced to Kung-Fu Scully Weirdo!!

Why can't I find a normal guy? Waitress, another Absolut.

It's a real shame that Scully can't find a guy to date. Even though most guyz would be unable to cope with her insightful observations and dazzeling intellect you would think there would be someone out there for her. Poor Dana, we'll have to pour her a nice glass of Absinthe so she can begin forgetting about all her troubles..

Where's my back-up?
I'll bet Mulder is chasing some lights
in the sky right now.
Wonder if Lara has her cell phone with her......

Scully and Lara would make a great team. They are both handy with the firearms, extremly intuitive, resilient, sexy and arrogant; my I could go and on, but you're probably sick of hearing me list adjectives anyway. Let me leave you with these words, Dana Scully is the X-Files, what's his name is just her sidekick.



Aghh!!! It's ALIVE!!!!