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Yes, even we stick Mulder down in our basement. Now as you've already read or noticed I'm not the biggest Mulder fan. In fact Lara and I think he's pretty much a UFO chasing nerd. But, to be fair Mulder does have his moments. If he actually would use his brain and think things out a little more(like Dana)then he wouldn't come up with all of his preposterous theories. Mulder is also a little too soft for our taste. The only time you ever see him get mean is when he kicks the crap out of Krycek. I mean can't Mulder find another whipping boy?

I also must emphatically state that Mulder needs to get a social life. A hobby,(Tomb Raider maybe?)anything. One of the funniest X-Files moments is in the episode Chinga where we get to see what Mulders weekend consists of when Scully isn't around. The sharpening of the pencils was hilarious. Yes, poor Fox, we know your're dying to date Dana.... But I'll stop hacking on Mulder, he's alot kewler than every other government figure (except Dana of course)and in some episodes you really want to believe with him. Now if he would just stop chasing every light in the sky maybe he could get out of the basement....
