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Lara's Fav Beers


Lara isn't a really big beer drinker. When you have to leap over deathtraps, avoid boulders, and balance your way across bottomless chasms you can't afford to get bloated. However, there are times when a beer just hits the spot. Of course Lara is very selective about what kind of beer she drinks, because it says a lot about a person. For instance, if she went around with a Budweiser, the image of pin-up trailer trash would immediatly leap to mind. Now no one wants to portray that image do they, I thought not. In fact it's a good idea to stay away from all Anheiser-Busch products. Lara knows that a beer must not only taste good but look good also, because in the world of polygons, as you know, image is everything.

Rolling Rock is Lara's favorite beer. This often times leaves Lara's fellow Brits a bit aghast, but hey, the truth hurts sometimes. It is brewed in Latrobe, Pennsylvania and can be classified as a pale ale. Now what this means practically, is that you can drink a lot of Rolling Rocks really, really fast. Not only that but Rolling Rock tastes great too!! Of course the features don't stop there, because this is after all the pinacle of beer-making. Rolling Rock comes in a green glass-etched bottle, yes that's right, no more soggy, ugly, peeling beer labels to worry about. Rolling Rock even has a little trivia game on the back of the bottle, can any of you RR newbies figure out "33"? Rolling Rock is a great beer to order in almost any bar setting, it's also a great value and not overly priced like those other yuppie-scum trendy beers (Sam Adams anyone?) Lara had her first Rolling Rock at the 8-Ball Saloon in Ann Arbor Michigan, she highly recommeds the experience. Oh one last thought on Rolling Rock, don't make the mistake of ordering it on draft, the bottle is half of the drink! We don't even need to mention cans do we, cause, like, Lara would never be caught dead drinking from one, and neither should you.

There are certain times when Lara likes a little xtra "kick" in her beer. And of course, if everyone is ordering pints you don't want to be stuck with a bottle do you? Or maybe you are just in the mood for a draft beer. If any of these issues plague your drinking libido, then Guinness is for you. Guinness is brewed in Dublin Ireland and is the premier beer to order on draft. You MUST drink Guinness in pints, remember half the drink is always the presentation. Guinness is not for the faint of heart. It is dark brown, almost black in bar lighting, and can be bitter at first before you acquire a taste for it. If you are just starting to drink Guinness, or want something a little lighter on the pallete, it is acceptable to dillute it a little by ordering what is called a Black and Tan. This is a draft beer mixing Guinness with either Harps, Bass or Newcastle ales. DON'T let some lamer barkeep mix your Guinness with some other crap which you would never consider drinking, even if it was hidden beneath layers of Irish Stout. This is how they will try to get rid of those Anheiser-Busch and Miller products. Guinness has been brewed since 1759, and is a solid choice to drink, espicially if you are in a pub. Needless to say, the best Guinness is in Ireland, and if any of you ever travel there, you might see Lara kicking back in a pub sipping one.

Newcastle is a brown ale brewed in England. This is Lara's beer of choice whenever she is at home. It is very smooth and has a pleasing carmel color. Newcastle is also the home of Lara's favorite football team, Newcastle United. Which is another good reason to drink Newcastle, or as good as any. The best football player in England, Alan Shearer,(sorry Micheal Owens u r 2 young yet) probably drinks Newcastle, but don't quote Goth-Lara on that, Lara omitted many details about their meeting. For all you Yanks reading this wondering when Newcastle plays the Green Bay Packers, I just must shake my head, and council you to continue drinking your Busch Light. But, for those Yanks that know what football is for 9/10ths of the world, or every country except Yank-Land, try a Newcastle, you'll be proud of yourself, and Lara will be proud of you too, because she tried Rolling Rock and loved it, and is pretty sure you'll feel the same way about Newcastle.
