This is in response to Whitkay Emmons' freaking out session about friends. It would make a whole lot more sense to you if you read what she wrote first. And now that you've dutifully read Whitney's lovely philosophical meanderings, here are my views on the matter. it's an edited version of my email to whit.
Darlin, this
is when I tell you to chill. :o) Of *course* I will *always and
forever* be one those crazy chicas who knows you better than you
know yourself. Just wait -- one day, when I'm forty, I'll call
you, crying my eyes out, and say "Whitney!! My husband is
CHEATING on me! Sit with me through the divorce and then WE can
get married!!" :o) okay? Promise me that when my husband
starts cheating on me, you'll help me divorce him so we can get
married? (Waits patiently for Whitney's response, and then
realizes she's typing an email. Considers what Whitney would say,
and then does a happy little jig in celebration) YAY!! Oooh
thank-you-thank-you! WOOHOO!! Okay okay, Calming down. Oh! As
long as you promise not to marry the bastard in the meantime
okay? Or no, go ahead and marry the bastard, and you can divorce
him later. OR you can marry him, and then when IIII divorce my
lame-ass husband, we can have some kinky three-way marriage....
Okay getting a leeetle to sick for me. Shutting up now. :o)
Anyway. There WAS some big philosophical point to this. What was
that? ::thinks for a solid minute:: OH YEAH!! It was that, if
everyone leaves you, what's the point in making friends anyway?
And you know what my answer is to that? a) The only way I'll ever
leave you is if I die some horrible pre-mature death -- a
non-gonna-happen. and b) Isn't it worth it while it lasts? Aren't
the times we spend together valuable in themselves? Something to
hold and say "I am loved."
The other implication is that friends must not be the point to
life. They are not eternal, therefore they are not the only thing
that matters. What is eternal in your life? Yourself. You are the
only constant in your life. Therefore, the goal of my life is to
become the best Hari Pocahontas Khan possible. (see entry two) My
have two functions in my life: most obviously, so we can enjoy
the journey together, but primarily to teach us how we can be
ourselves, which is far more perfect than the self we show to the
world. Friends are out support groups. Because they love you and
accept you for who you are, you gain the confidence to be
yourself. You can be the best "you;" you can be smart
and sweet and perfect. I help you and you help me, so that,
hopefully, on that day when I'm forty and my husband is leaving
me for some lame-ass 20 year secretary (who's body will never be
as perfect as MINE will be when I am 20, when I pick up the phone
ask you to marry me, you will say, "Look at that potential -
she's damn near perfect! Of course!"
That, my darlin, is our goal. We will be awesome! The only way we
can accomplish that is with friends who come and go, who seem to
think a stupid picnic with a stupid boy is more important than a
month of separation, who live right next door and practically on
top of you, whom you hardly ever see but love anyway across
thousands of miles, whom you only talked to once at a school
dance but thought was cool while it lasted, whom you've lived
with all your life
. EVERYONE counts, because they all make
an impression of you. "You," of course, being the key
word. They might leave you, but you had FUN -- always a plus --
and learned something from each of them, That is why friends are
important. They teach you *something* either by their example or
their folly, or by struggling through the lesson with you.