Star Wars- The Phantom Menace
I've seen it! Here's my review.
- I hate to say it, but don't expect any best acting Oscars for this one. Pretty much, everyone needs to learn how to act- except maybe Natalie Portman and Jake Lloyd. No offence, Liam- you've been great in everything else but PUH-LEAZE.
- The effects are a different story though- they kick ass! Mega battle scenes, ships flying through space look awesome. I loved Coruscant and the underwater city. Coruscant is so fab- and the Imperial Assembly rocks so much! I love the Parliment, I pictured it so differently! The Droids are megal cool, and I have to love the Gungans even though I could barely understand them.
- Costumes, makeup and sets were great. Please learn to act, Ewan. My grade? A- -
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