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Graduation is great and college is crazy.

So anyway, graduation is in 15 days, and I am ready. Omigod so ready. To anyone who is contemplating graduating early DO IT because if you don't you will regret it for the rest of your life. Seriously. Or at least your whole senior year. So I cracked the college conspiracy, but there are more heinous crimes these colleges perpetuate. I sent my intent to atted money thing in late. Yes, this is my fault. It was two days late, cuz one day late was a Sunday, andthe bastardds send me a note TWO WEEKS later saying you aren't going hre, we have no space. HELLO?!?! What am I supposed to do two weeks later? Then its way too late to send anything to my other colleges! Geez. Fortunately there was room at Salisbury, but I now know the truth - MARYLAND IS BAD!!! Never ever go there. But, the good side of this week is still GRADUATION! Thank goodness. My teachers seem to think I should be in class everyday, but I know better. Senioritis has set in, I never really understood before how serious it could be. I'd make breezy, carefree comments like "Oh, I've had senioritis since ninth" and have no idea what I was talking about because skipping a couple of days each semester is NOT senioritis, it's just laziness (tho I was lazier than most) it's more like a couple of days a WEEK is senioritis. You have no idea. If it weren't for AP testing, these past couple of weeks I wouldn't have shown up at all. As it was, I still missed more than was acceptable, as one of my exasperated teachers put it. And I haven't done a shred of work in the last two weeks. I'll sit down with my book and whatever else with every intention of working, and two hours later I haven't even started and am not quite sure which subject I was working on. This is like, all the time. My poor stats teacher has no clue what to do - I haven't done the last four chapters of work, which is like the whole quarter. Oh well. Tomorrow is my last real day of school, and I have no intention of showing up on time - I'm thinking lunch. Sounds about right to me. I know this is just rambling but it's third period boring aide period and the whole class went down to the art show so I'm bored. If I was a bad person I could go through some stuff I'm not supposed to, but I'm not like that). So, periods almost over and the moral of the story is...GRADUATION IS GREAT AND COLLEGE IS CRAZY!