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International Cloning Society

Welcome to the brand new (as of February 14, 1998) International Cloning Society homepage.

Have you ever given thought to the possibility of living again? That's right! Living a new life, all over again, right from the beginning, at some point in the future!

The idea of living again is no longer just a pipedream. With the recent events surrounding the cloning of animals, the science of cloning is a reality. Seems everyone is in a quandary over the moral and ethical questions, and that debate will linger on. But we at ICS (International Cloning Society) firmly believe there are indeed very appropriate circumstances in which human cloning can and should be acceptable.....even desirable! Space travel and the colonization of distant planets are just a couple of examples.

The ICS was formed to act as an agency for and on behalf of prospective "clonees." Our role is, in part, to collect, record, file and maintain the data (and DNA/cell specimens) of those people who have become registered members of our Society, and have elected to make themselves available as prospective clonees.

The ICS also functions as a lobby.... a voice in support of selective and carefully managed human cloning.

If this brief overview has sparked any interest, and if you would like to consider the possibility of being cloned at some point in the future, we invite you to request more information about our Society and the work we do. Simply direct any enquiries/requests by email (address below) to the Director of the Society, Dr. A. D. Lafferty.
