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My Friends and Adventures

I’m a pretty busy girl who loves to talk and stay active. My grades in school are pretty good. My best subjects are English and social studies and my worst is math. Algebra is really getting to me. Despite my speaking problem, I do pretty well in speech, mostly because I love to talk.

Mommy says I get that from her side of the family. I have a record of a conversation I had with my cousin and best pal, Alexandra. Lexie is sooo pretty. She’s a model now in England.



These two pictures are from our vacation. In the first one, I’d just stuffed myself with a chocolate sundae and sat down to read my fave magazine, Cabbageteen. In the second one, I was sitting poolside trying to get a tan. I’m so pale! I’ll post more pics when I have time.

Here's a newspaper clipping about cheerleading tryouts. That's me, second from right.  

I finally made varsity this year!

That's me sneaking to mommy's puter! Shhh, don't tell anybody! ;)

My sister Sara wishes me bon voyage before my trip.

She also sent me this sweet postcard when I was gone.

The People in My Life (well, other than my mommy and my brothers & sisters)

This is Sara Frances, my talker sister (that's her, below). Even though she's a talker she's a bit on the shy side. She likes lots of hugs and kisses. She’s from Kansas and she LOVES to read. I sneaked up on her one day, she'd just been through mommy's bookcase.

When she first arrived, the only thing she ever said to me was "Hi, how are you?" Lately, though, we've been talking a little more. She also likes to eat (‘specially sweets) and watch TV and absolutely refuses to wear jeans. She'll only wear dresses and bloomers. She also sleeps with her teddy bear and a bottle. Don't tell anybody, it's a secret.
And this is my other best friend, Tyler. Her real name is Jody Rebecca Tyler. Tyler’s a tomboy -- the total opposite of Sara. She’s into football and all kinds of sports. She’s completely fearless and is a total free spirit. She wants to ride horses and go on boats for real. She's from Australia and spent the summer with me. When she arrived, I decided that I was going to try to make her over.

That's me with my Aussie friend, Jody. Look at the difference between her now and her when she first came. Of course, after we took this pic, she went back to her baseball caps and jogging suits. *Sigh*. Makeovers.

We snapped these pics just before Jody moved to Minnasoda. That's her in the baseball cap, in the back on the left. On the right that's her again, this time with one of her trophies.

From left to right: Sara Frances, Gabi Amanda, and me. Gabi just got here from Utah and she's a major country music fan. Doesn't she look like Dolly Parton?

This is Mallory Kathleen, my cousin. She's a real cutup. She loves to sing and tap dance and pretend she's riding a horse and flying on a plane. She reads too but not as much as Sara. Sometimes I think she's in her own world.

That's us, Mallory Kathleen, Sara Frances, and me, Megan Michaela, after school on Dress-Up Day. Sometimes we sit up all night talking about nothing and everything at the same time.

Gabi, me, Sara, Marcy, and Mallory hanging out after school.

This was me in my old pep squad uniform. I'm on the big squad now so I passed the uni on to my cousin Mallory! :D

This is Marcy Katrina. She's Mallory's sister I think. She's from Masachewsets and she's really sofistikated (did I spell that right?). She is probably the prettiest girl in the whole entire school.

Ah, what can a girl do without friends?


That's Judy Patricia, she's one of my best online friends. She lives with her mom, Genie, and a HUGE CPK family. She's a great person, fun-loving and very responsible. She's seventeen, I think. She reminds me a lot of my best friend back in Georgia. We met through the 'Kids Club, and now we're talking about doing something online, like one of those deals where you send video and stuff over the internet.
This is the other Sarah I told you about. She's Judy's sister and she's almost fourteen, like me. She's very nice and a sweet person. I think she's quite pretty. Don't you?


And here's Tabatha Anne, my newest talker online friend. She's got her own website, too. It's real cool. Go see it. She's really nice. She reminds me a little bit of Sara. Likes to go on the monkey bars. She dreams of going on Broadway.

Just some stuff

My fave web hangout is the CPKids Only Club. It's great to talk to other 'Kids and I've made quite a few new friends, some from places like California and Australia and New Zealand. When I grow up I'm gonna visit those places! Hey, I can start now!

My mommy's also a member of the Talkers Club! I'm sooo excited. I'm gonna tell ever'body I know!

Guess what? Mommy says I can go on the CPKids Only Spring Break trip to Virginia! I'm so excited! I'll be gone two weeks and want to have a blast! I'm also planning on having a talkers-only slumber party for my birthday. Tyler and I talked about it last year but it didn't happen. She moved to Minnasoda, so I'm going to visit her there before I go to Virginia. So I want to do it this year instead.

When I grow up, I want to have my own talk show on TV. But for practice, I plan to do something on radio soon here on this website. Check out my screen test! Mommy put a camera on me and let me talk. Click here to see it.

This is me with the bunch o' new friends I made at Spring Break! I'm in the 2nd row, on the far right.


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