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In this scene from The Time Travelers, the kids wander through a mysterious garden. (Lifetouch official photo)

From The Time Travelers

Poppy Brueghel

In The Time Travelers, a group of kids must find their way back home after getting lost during a walk to the park.

Scene: The Cave of Wonders. Two kids, Amanda (Stephanie Pasley) and Lenny (Eric Gustafsson), after having been sleeping the whole night, awaken to find themselves in a mysterious place.

Amanda: Lenny? (taps his back) Lenny, wake up. Lenny!

Lenny (slowly begins to sit up) Oh, man. I was sleeping.

Amanda: Lenny!

Lenny (looking around and stepping back): Whoa. Where are we, Mandy?

Amanda: I don’t know, Lenny. You tell me.

Lenny: Man, what is this place?

(Monster breathes fire and blinks.)

Amanda (cowering behind Lenny): W-w-what’s that?

Lenny (turning to Amanda): I don’t know. Just stay calm.

Amanda (sounding really scared): I c-can’t.

Lenny: Then I suggest you do one thing. RUN!

Poppy "Blue" Brueghel, a native of Antwerp, Belgium, now lives in Bonn, Germany. She wrote The Time Travelers on a visit to Stonehenge.


Brueghel’s text:

The-Zeit Travelers durch Poppy Brueghel

Suddenly, als ob aufgefordert durch eine unvorhergesehene Kraft, Amanda, überhaupt vorsichtig und empfindlich, von ihrem ruhigen Schlaf auf. Den Anblick mit ihren freien blauen Augen überblickend, wuchs sie alarmiert, als sie feststellte, daß sie keinen Anhaltspunkt hatte, wohin sie wandered. " Lenny? ", sie bat und herum suchte nach ihr, freckle-gegenüberstellte blonden skandinavischen Partner. " Lenny, in dem you?"

Looking unten sind, sah sie den green-eyed Jungen, aus den Grund noch zu schnarchen.

"Lenny, Spur up."

Not ein sound.


Tapping seine Schulter und Rütteln seines Körpers, Amanda versuchten hoffnungslos zum rouse ihren Freund. Langsam aber sicher stieg der Junge. Er auch festgestellt, daß er definitiv in einem fremden Platz war.


The English translation

Suddenly, as if prompted by an unforeseen force, Amanda, ever wary and sensitive, awoke from her peaceful slumber. Surveying the sight with her clear blue eyes, she grew alarmed when she realized that she had no clue where she had wandered. "Lenny?" she asked, searching around for her freckle-faced blond Scandinavian partner. "Lenny, where are you?"

Looking down, she saw the green-eyed boy still snoring on the ground.

"Lenny, wake up."

Not a sound.


Tapping his shoulder and shaking his body, Amanda tried desperately to rouse her friend. Slowly but surely the boy rose. He, too, realized that he was definitely in a foreign place.