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A typical conversation (adapted) between Megan Michaela and Alexandra Phoebe:

Megan: Hey, look who's here. It's my cousin.

Alexandra: Hello.

Megan: Hi. How are you?

Alexandra: I really like talking about food. Don't you?

Megan: No way! (pause) Do you like snacks?

Alexandra: Nope. Do you like ice cream?

Megan: Yeah, with lots of chocolate.

Alexandra: I sure do like pets, how about you?

Megan: Yeah.

Alexandra: What's your favorite pet?

Megan: I just love sparks (I couldn't make out the word she said)

Alexandra (interrupting Megan): I just love kittens. They’re my favorite.

Megan: Wanna know a secret? Can you guess what it is? Shhh. Come closer. (brief pause) I was lonely when you weren't here.

Alexandra: Wow!

Megan: Don't tell anyone. Promise? You tell me a secret.

Alexandra: I've got a new secret. You know something? I'm very ticklish.

Megan: Wow!

Alexandra: Don't tell anyone. Promise?


Alexandra: I'm so glad to have you for a friend. Do you like me too?

Megan (giggles): Gee whiz. Yeah. You're a good friend. I love you.

Alexandra: I'm getting awfully tired.

Megan: Oh, come on! Let's play some more.

Alexandra: I'd like to have a drink before I go to sleep.

Megan: Hey! Let's play pretend.

Alexandra: Ho hum. (dozes off)

Megan (screaming): Hey! Let's pretend we're on a boat and we're going up and down.

Alexandra: Hrumph.

Megan: Come on! I just love playing pretend and you'll have to help me.

Alexandra: Nighty-night. Sweet dreams. (to me) Could you lay me down, please?

This, thereabouts, is a typical conversation between the two girls. Generally speaking, upon observation, their personalities are different. Alexandra’s personal catch phrases appear to be "Oh, boy," and "Yowie!" Very Californian. (She’s originally from Crescent City, CA, which is in the northern part of the state, near the Oregon border). She has a loud, deep voice and a pretty gentle disposition. Alexandra is a world-champion sleeper. If she could sleep her days away she would.

But Megan won’t let her. Her voice has a higher pitch than Alexandra’s and is softer. She seems to be the one suggesting the activities (even though she, with her speech impediment, struggles to get the words out). For instance, Alexandra will say she’s tired, and Megan’s, like, "Oh, come on, let’s play some more!" I don’t know if Alexandra has enough energy to keep up with Megan. For instance, the first night they were together (which is when this conversation took place), Alexandra dozed on Megan at one in the morning.