<bGSOUND SRC="la/jillianstories/images/dancingqueen_ateens.mid" LOOP="-1">
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Megan's Diary

That's me in the middle with one of my best friends, Jody Rebecca, on the left, and my new friend, Jody's sister Blondie on the right. We're in Minnysoda where it's really really COLD.

Monday, March 18

Hi Mom -

Guess where I am? Minnysoda! And it's cold here - they got white stuff on the ground! I'm already sitting tween Blondie and Jodie and when we're done talking I'm gonna get my picture tooken and send it to you! But I'm so tired too so after we talk we are going to get cozy and nap in this neat quilt. Jodie and Blondie's Mom said she'd talk to you more later. But I'm safe - she said I should tell you first!


Tuesday, March 19

Hi Mom -

I was realy cozy last night tween Jodie and Blondie. I don't know if we'll play in the snow cuz I don't know how, but I will if Jodie and Blondie do. Mallory should uv sent the sunglasses as it's so bright in the snow. They tell me there's a whole bunch of boys here too - most are in the "Doll's Room" where I'm going to meet up with everyone today, and there is a cuuutie boy on a CPK rocker that I'm gonna get my picture taken away with if he'll let me. Can I marry him too if he'll let me? He's soooo handsome in his soot! Tell Sara thank you for the teddy bear - he was cozy with me too - the teddy, not the soot boy!. Mom!

Thanks for letting me come here and visit. Jodie's new Mom said she got the email bout going to the next trip! Can't wait - onlys I'd want to take these girls with too!

Luv ya,


This is me with my cuutie date, I don't even kno his name (I think I should ask him -- LOL). He took me for a horsey ride. But I do kno he's a couple years older than me. Don't tell Mom. Me and him's just friends tho. I sometimes pr'tend I's goin to the Oscars.

These are a couple more of my new friends, Blondie's brother & sister.

Awwww, Mom -

I'll behave, but can't I just hold still while they chase me! Some of these guys are soooo cute - one plays football and one is a cool dude skatboarder, and one even has a sexy (oops I didn't say that) cowboy outfit. How bought I get my picture tooked with them and then I'll be (try hard) to be nice? Promise! And I won't marry the one in the soot.

(the good girl)

Thanks, Mom, I'll tell you when those magazines come, and awww Mom you don't have to be sorry! I understand you worry. There's a real boy here that was born in 1987 too and he has a really deep voice and the girls call him on the telephone cuz he's cute and they like his voice. So he has girl friends - and I should be able to have boy friends. But yah, yuk to getting married - hey Mom - you aren't even married yet! hehehehe

I'll be good!!!



Wednesday, March 20

Hey Sara,

I'm going to go outside and get some snow and then get the mail man to send it to you to cool off. It is so coooold here. The little kitties here even have fur coats on and they purrrr - and so does one of the girls with pretty red ponytails - they have an extra coat they said I could try on too to keep cozy. And Jodie's Mom will take pictures too!

Did Mallory's Mom and Dad buy a car? Geez, you sure do go to the hospitals much. I don't think they have them here. At least wise I haven't seen one.

I think I'm going to be 18 in a few years - shouldn't I just practice being married first?

LUV U!!!!!!!!!


Oh, Mom, now you think I'm a tree, guess when I be's an actress I can pretend to be. Oh, and tell Mallory that I just luvvvv the picture too!


Hi Sara Frances -
They's got airconditioning outside here. If it gets too hot they's just got to open the door and it's cooler. I think they got sumpin to warm up the house too. You'd like it here. They's a whole bunch of rooms. But you know, there are 3 big people, 3 kitties, and hundreds of CPKs - you think maybe all us CPKs should have all the rooms cepting just one!

Oh, a van - cool - are you gonna get to drive it? Don't catch anything at the hospital (unless its a cute boy...sigh...oops).

I'm having fun and I miss you too - maybe Jodie's Mom can do some pictures tonite to show you that I's ok!

Lov U

Hi Sara Frances -
They got more snow here today but the male man won't let me male the snow - says it will be rain and you already have that! hehehe. Sorry you are lonesome - I wish I could keep you company. I really miss you.


Thursday, March 21

Okay, Mom I don't understand money like you do - you are so smart that way. I just thought you could squish into a big box like I did and then you wouldn't have to see where you were going. Blondie told me that there is a big shopping center here called The Mall of America and we might go. Of course I won't look at boys there. Blondie says I'm boycrazed - I'm not, am I Mom? Did I get it from you or Dad? Hehehe

Mom - are you and Dad getting back together? Whoooopeeeeeee! I'm so excited - I almost forgot about shopping. Well, almost - how much can I buy Mom? Don't look in your purse tho - I borrowed your CPK Credit Card but it didn't work! Can you send me another one that works? Can't go shopping without lots of credit cards , right?


Me and Blondie before we go shopping. It's real cold -- BRRR -- so we have ta wear our warm stuff.

Friday, March 22

Yep, we might go to The Mall of America tomorrow - Mom sent us all CPK credit cards - Blondie's mom said they were sooo cute - just like us. I got to do a shopping list first....lets see - perfume, and makeup, and boy catching stuff - don't tell Mom tho - hehehehe - cuz she doesn't want me to grow up too quickly. Tomorrow Blondie's Mom is going to do some pictures of us - she says it's too dark in the house right now, so you watch for them to get stuck in the puter.
Luv ya!

Saturday, March 23

I won't spend too much, Mom and Blondie and Jody and me are gonna try on ALL the CPK clothes that their Mom has here - she says as a gift I can have anything that has my name on it - how could they have my name on it Mom? She says my name will show up once I try it on and it's ME! She's silly! But she says it's magic from the heart. Cool. Aw, Mom - I'm not keeping anything from you. Just your imagination - you have a big one you know! hehehe Where you think I got mine from? hehehe So you think if I find something in the CPK clothes box that fits me I can wear it? Cool. But only if it has heart magic!

Hi Sara - Glad you're feeling a little bit better. Must be good medicine. Maybe you don't recognize Jody without her hat or cuz she's got a dress on? She had to fly here nekked in a box and she says she was never so cold in her life! It's minnysoda you know! Geez poor girl. She doesn't say too much tho, she keeps close to Blondie who knows everything! So you like my guy too? He's pretty cute too and tell Mom not to worry cuz we didn't horse around too much. hehehehe. Get better soon!

Sunday, March 24

Hi Marcy - You're so smart - you'll think of somethin. Don't like those boys much do ya? Did you see the picature of me and my date in my fancy dress? He hasn't tole me his name yet - and hasn't got his butt off the horsey yet, I think he's glued on or sumpin, but hey he's cute and doesn't argue with me or make me feel not smart - lot better than brothers! They got only a few boys here that aren't sposed to be dopted out - and they have freckles and play football and rollerblade....sighhh. I think I'm gonna have ta pack one to take with me to Spring Break...shshshs don't tell Mom! hehehehe. Hi Marcy - So you like Corey, huh? Is she as cute as my soot guy? He still won't tell me his name either. He can't drive so we took his horsey - didn't have far to go anyway. It sure was a "rocky" date! hehehehe. Lov,Meggie

Blondie and me after goin to the Mall of America. Whew!

Monday, March 25

Hi Sara - I'm glad you're feeling better - not good to be sick. So Jody has been around the world huh? I'm gonna have to get to know her better - didn't know that at all. I think she is cute, so do all the other kids - has the prettiest long hair, but she wants to put it in a big pony tail and put her hat back on. Silly girl. Oh, you get to be in the Easter play this year - I miss acting sooo much - sign me up for next year okay? Hi Marcy - I guess I'll just have to ask him again - I don't know if he even knows my name cuz he doesn't talk much! We didn't have much of a date cuz he didn't get off his high horse! hehehehe. Maybe I'll get Mallory to talk to me and I'll tell you her secrets - ok?

Me, Jody, and the girls next door (I dunno their names) tried on our kewl new outfits.

Tuesday, March 26

Hi Sara - Jody would make a cool pilot - no wonder she's so quiet she's probly studying the sky. She and me and the other Talkers went into the extra CPK clothes boxes and found some cool dresses and shoes that fit us so we had a fun dress up time and will get our pictures tooken with them on. And if I can get that guy off his high horsey and sit with me we can get a picture took together too - my dress would look good with his soot. I think his name is Charlie as someone said it was and I asked him and he didn't say no - but of course he didn't say yes either! hehehehe what a guy! So Marcy wants a kitten and a puppy? They have a CPK kitty here - I'll hold it next time for the picture too. Sure is cute! That sounds like ur having fun like us - talking all night too! Miss u much! Luv Meggie Wow, Marcy - That's cool you got your stuff. They have baked beans here too. And Boston baked beans that taste like candy - reminded me of you! Sounds like that Austin is trouble! Don't know why Mallory won't talk to you - guess sisters do that! Miss you - I'll have Blondie's Mom send you more pictures soon too! Yup, this is me with Charlie & my new dress. I finally got his name outta him. Sometimes when I'm with him its like bein in dreamland.

Wednesday, March 27

Hi Sara - The big 87 real boy Talker is goin fishin with his Dad for a coupla days so maybe us girls'll rent the movie Princess Diaries - that'll be good. And no boys in the room! My Charlie can just rock in the doorway is all. That's a sad story bout that Mary lady - Blondie's Mom is a Mary too - but a different one as she never would hafta sleep outside - there's lotsa room in this house to sleep. But her son is named Joseph too. Miss ya too! Meggie Hi Marcy- Maybe you can find a difernt guy for Mallory - sounds like she's gonna get her heart broke . Oh, that Austin! I could just pow the daylites outa him for lookin at another girl stead of Mallory! pow pow take that Austin! All that food sounds good. I'm gonna go eat some pizza - that Real 1987 Talker Boy named Joey - almost like Jody's name -loves pizza! Luv, Meggie

April 10 Hi Mommy, it's me, Megan! I feel a little silly writing to my own email address but I hope you get it anyway. I got to Virginia yesterday and it's really pretty here. Everything is blooming! My trip was okay, I took off my shoes and got comfy. My hair got a little smushed but Miss Kristin said she'd try and fluff it out before she starts taking pictures. Sunnie and Kalvin arrived yesterday too, and Lauren is introducing me to everyone here. I haven't got to talk to Tamara yet but I will soon. Having fun but I miss you! Love, Megs