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Hi folks, welcome to our News Page.

Here you will find hundreds of links to news all over the world. Everything is listed alphabetically. The sites are secular and christian. The range from minor sources to the worlds biggies. So much to read and so little time to read it. By the way I am a news and political junkie so if you have a great news or political link, please email me with it. Thanks ... Jim
[Just because a site is included does not mean we agree with its content]


| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | | J | K | L |
| M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z |

  • CANADA'S Weather/
  • U.S.A Weather/
  • WORLD Weather
  • 1st Headlines
  • ABC
  • ABC and Religion News
  • Abilene Reporter News - Abilene, TX
  • Adventist News Network
  • Agence France-Presse
  • American Baptist News Service
  • American Center for Law and Justice
  • Alpha News Index
  • American Journalism Review NewsLink
  • American Medical News
  • American Religion Data Center
  • Amity News Service - Chinese Christian News
  • Amnesty International
  • Ananova Religion News
  • Anglican Communion News Service
  • Anglicans Online News Centre
  • AOL Religion News Search
  • Apologetics Index Religion News Service
  • Assemblies of God News Service
  • Assignment Editor
  • The Associated Press
  • Associated Press Top News
  • Associated Baptist Press
  • Associated Church Press
  • Augusta Chronical - Augusta, GA
  • The Bakersfield Californian Religion Page
  • Baptist Press
  • Baptist Standard - Dallas, TX
  • Baptist World Alliance News
  • Barna Research
  • BBC
  • BBC Religion Audio News
  • Bible Gateway
  • Biblical Recorder - Raleigh, NC
  • Birmingham Post-Herald Religion Page
  • BizWire
  • Bloomberg
  • Boston Globe
  • Boston Herald
  • Brazilian Zeal News Service
  • Bridging the Gap - Religion and the News Media
  • Religion
  • BusinessWeek Daily Briefing
  • Business Wire
  • C SPAN
  • CBA Marketplace News
  • CBC On The Web
  • CBC Moral Divide Program
  • CBN News
  • CCM Online
  • CJBK Radio - My favorite Radio Station / 1290 AM London, Ontario
  • CNN
  • CNN Religion Search
  • CP/Canadian Press
  • CP Business News - Latest Business headlines
  • CP Entertainment News - latest news on the **STARS**
  • CP Financial News - latest financial news
  • CP National News - National news headlines
  • CP Sports - Sports Headlines
  • CP World News - latest world news headlines
  • Calendar of Events
  • Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - CBC for short
  • Canadian Broadcast Standards Council
  • Canadian Corporate News
  • Canadian News Wire
  • Canadian Parliamentary Press Gallery
  • Canadian Travel News Online
  • Canadian University Press
  • Canoe Money - $$$$$$$$$
  • Canoe News National
  • The Catholic Encyclopedia
  • Catholic News Service
  • Catholic Telecommunications News Service
  • Catholic World News
  • Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity
  • Center for Public Justice
  • >Charisma News Service
  • Charlotte Observer Religion Page
  • Chicago Sun Times
  • Chicago Tribune
  • Christian Daily News
  • Christian Chronicles - Oklahoma Christian University
  • Christian Citizen - Dayton, OH
  • Christian Daily News - Lexington, KY
  • Christian History
  • Christian Interactive Network
  • Christian Internet Radio Network
  • Christian Internet Television Network
  • Christian Legal Society
  • Christian Media News
  • Christian Medical & Dental Society News Releases
  • Christian News Northwest - Portland, OR
  • Christian Peacemaker Team
  • Christian Reformed Church News
  • The Christian Reporter
  • Christian Times - S. California
  • Christian Week Online - Canadian (very, very liberal, mainstream)
  • Christian World News
  • A Christian Writer's Manual of Style
  • News
  • Christianity Live News
  • Churches Advisory Council for Local Broadcasting
  • Church Leader Briefing
  • ChurchNet UK News Service
  • Church Surf
  • City Light News - Calgary, AB
  • Cleveland Plain Dealer Religion Page
  • Colorado Christian News
  • Compass Direct News Service, 949-862-0314,
  • Compassion International Current News
  • Contra Costa Times Religion
  • Creeds, Confessions, & Catechisms
  • CrossSearch
  • News
  • Cults and Religions Information
  • Dallas Fort WOrth Heritage - Dallas-Fort Worth TX
  • David Sisler's Not For Sunday Only - Augusta Chronicle
  • Detroit News
  • Dr Laura
  • Drudge Report - this is the guy that exposed the Lewinsky affair
  • Evangelical Times - Darlington, England
  • Faith and the Media
  • FOX News
  • GDP Previewer - Champaign
  • Globe and Mail
  • Good News _ Tucson, AZ
  • Good News Connection - Northern New England
  • Good News ETC - San Diego, CA (under construction)
  • Greenbelt Interfaith News - from around the world
  • Gulf Coast Christian Newspaper - Fairhope, AL
  • Indy - Bloomington, IN
  • Ingersoll Times - Ingersoll, Ontario
  • Insight - conservative site
  • Internet News - service of Canadian Press
  • Jerusalem Christian Review -
  • Jerusalem Post
  • Jewish World Review - awesome site with conservative writers
  • Kentucky Baptist News
  • Kingston Whig Standard - Kingston, Ontario
  • Koenig's International News - christian based
  • LA Times
  • LIFE
  • The London Free Press
  • London Mirror (UK)
  • London Tele (UK)
  • London Times (UK)
  • Maranatha Christian Journal - religious news
  • Media Research Center
  • Minnesota Christian Chronicle -
  • Nando Times - excellent site
  • National Post - Canadian
  • National Report - conservative based Canadian magazine
  • National Review - premier conservative site
  • -independent conservative news site
  • News Now
  • New York times
  • Norwich Gazette - Norwich, Ontario
  • Page One News
  • Radio Canada International
  • Reuters
  • Saturday Night Magazine
  • Sault Star - Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
  • Sentinel Review - Woodstock, Ontario
  • Simcoe Reformer - Simcoe, Ontario
  • Sports Illustrated
  • Sudbury Star - Sudbury, Ontario
  • Sun Times - Owen Sound, Ontario
  • Thomas Sowell Archives
  • Tillsonburg News - Tillsonburg, Ontario
  • TIME
  • Toronto Star
  • The Toronto Sun
  • - conservative site
  • USA Today
  • Wall Street Journal
  • Washington Post
  • Washington Times
  • Wichita Chronicle - Wichita, Kansas
  • Wire - News from the Associated Press
  • Word - Buffalo, NY
  • the World
  • World Wide Faith News
  • World Wire
  • World on the Web
  • World Net Daily - one of the best independent news sources
  • Worthy News

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