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God created the home before He created the Church.

When we become busy doing the do's, we won't have time to worry about the don'ts.

Let no man curse the darkness if he will not light a candle.

A life that is walked in truth all day can lay down at night and sleep without worry.

Faith will not function or operate beyond obedience.

The deep things are not discovered, but received, not achieved but believed, not taught but revealed, by the Spirit we know the things of God.

A happy family is but an early Heaven.

God helps those who help others rather than themselves.

If our hearts belong to the Lord, why do we use it as if it were our own.

Anyone who has an experience that he can keep still about, needs a better experience.

Although God demands a whole heart, He will accept a broken one if He gets all the pieces.

A diamond can not be polished without friction, nor the man perfected without trials.

The brook would lose it's song if the rocks were removed.

The grace of God still enables men to live straight in a crooked world.

Freedom does not give us the right to do as we please, but the liberty to do as we ought.

Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon their knees.

If we do not watch and pray, we will be led into temptation before we know where we are.

Happiness can be thought, taught, and caught, but never bought.

A temper displayed in public is indecent exposure.

Great preaching requires great listening.

When God is giving to something wonderful, he begins, with difficulty. If it is going to be something very wonderful, He begins with an impossibility.

You will never get experience on the easy-payment plan.

What constitutes a living wage depends upon whether you are giving it or getting it.

He who forgets the language of gratitude can never be on speaking terms with happiness.

Gratitude is the rarest of all virtues, and yet we invariably expect it.

Bitterness, if not dealt with, will ruin you and those around you.

God doesn't require a man to have 1 talent, 3 talents, or 5 talents, He only requires a man be faithful with whatever he has.

People will take your example far more seriously than they will your advice.

Sign on Church: "Interested in going to Heaven? Apply for flight training inside."

We can't stumble when we are on our knees.

If you make a mistake at least make a new one each time.

A smile can add a great deal to one's face value.

Serving Christ under law is duty; under love is delight.

Suffering never stops at suffering. It comes out as wisdom, tenderness, refinement & sympathy.

Even though we can not have all we want, we ought to be thankful we do not get what we deserve.

Gratitude to God should be as regular as our heartbeat.

It is not what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart.

The worst possible moment for an atheist is when he feels grateful and has no one to thank.

If you can not be content with what you have received, be thankful for what you have escaped.

It is not wise to tell everything you know, but it is wise to know everything you tell.

We can not direct the wind, but we can adjust our sail.

We should consider not so much what the child is today as what he may become tomorrow.

There are many ways to be wrong, but only one way to be right.

A vacation from God can be a grave affair.

Mend your nets with prayer, cast them in faith, and drew them with love.

He stands best who kneels most.

Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently.

We lie to God in prayer if we do not rely on God after prayer.

Do not entertain ideas - put them to work.

The Holy Spirit is the voice that whispers in your ear from somewhere within your heart.

One trouble with sin is that it usually starts out being fun.

A half truth is a whole lie.

We should give God the same place in our hearts that He holds in the universe-absolute sovereignty.

"Take" not "make" the shield of faith. Some folks have a faith of their own; but we are admonished to "Have the Faith of God"

Gossips are like blotters - absorb lots of dirty and usually get it backwards.

Our tempers often get us into trouble; but pride keeps us there.

Keep your words sweet - you never know when you may have to eat them.

How often do what you believe and how you behave match up?

God is as great in minuteness as He is in magnitude.

When looking for faults, look in the mirror - not out the window.

The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears.

How you handle your problems by day determines how you sleep at night.

Trust is the mother of faith; Worry is the smother of faith.

No one becomes very good or very bad suddenly.

Remember that your tongue is a wet place and you are liable to slip.

Disappointment-his appointment. Change one letter, then I see the thwarting of my purpose. God's plan is better for me.

Turn care into prayer.

It's very unlikely that God will do more in us than He is allowed to do through us.

God wants spiritual fruit not religious nuts.

Straddling the fence results in a split decision.

To touch another's heart you must use your own.

It is permissible to find excuses for others, but never for yourself.

Not everything we face can be changed, but nothing can be changed until we face it.

Character is like a tree and reputation like it's shadow. The shadow is what we think of it, the tree is the real thing.

There is just one way to bring up a child in the way they should go, and that is to travel that way yourself.

Worry is self-centered, those who worry the least are those who do the most for others.

We rarely find that people have good sense unless they agree with us.

Prayer is one weapon the enemy can not duplicate or counterfeit.

The chief end of man is not to break records, but to build character.

Never put a question mark where God has put a period.

Be careful of your thoughts, they may break into words at any moment.

No man ever sank under the burden of today. It is when tomorrow's burden is added to the burden of today that the weight is more than a man can bear.

A true Christian is right-side-up, in an up-side-down world.

God came to dwell with man, that man could dwell with God.

The happiest people are those who discover that what they should be doing and what they are doing are the same thing.

It is wonderful what God can do with a broken heart, if He gets all the pieces.

At the profoundest depths in life, men talk To God NOT About Him.

Adversity does not make us frail; it only shows us how frail we are.

Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it.

Someone will pick up the opportunity you missed.

Live only for yourself, and soon you will find there isn't much worthwhile to live for.

Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently.

If prayer doesn't drive sin out of your life; sin will drive prayer out.

Tomorrow is a vision waiting to be captured.

We can not be happy and envious at the same time.

Our obedience to Christ is the vital evidence of the reality of our faith.

If God has called you, don't spend time looking over your shoulder to see who is following.

Better to never have been born, than not to have been born again.

A good example is the best sermon.

Do your best today and you will be more likely to do better tomorrow.

A quiet conscience brings peace and rest.

Courage and faith are ideal companions.

Salvation may come quietly, but we can not remain quiet about it.

To realize the worth of the anchor, we must feel the effects of the storm.

We can pray..believe and receive, or we can pray..doubt and do without.

The key to contentment is to realize that life is a gift-not a right.

We find that when Jesus is all we have..he is all we need and all we want.

Love is the hammer that will break the hardest heart.

As a diamond is to a ring - so is grace to the soul.

Christ will not live in the parlor of our hearts if we entertain the devil in the cellar of our thoughts.

It is twice as hard to crush a half truth as it is a whole lie.

God's mercies are as old as eternity, yet new every morning.

More is said about prayer and less done about it than any subject in the Bible.

Prayer leaps over all boundaries, stops at no distances, balks at no obstacles, because it is in touch with the Infinite Resources of Heaven.

True prayer is three parts listening to one part speaking.

Certain thoughts are prayers; there are times no matter the attitude of the body, the soul is on it's knees.

He is no fool who gives what he can not keep to gain what he can not lose.

The Bible is the only book whose author is present when one reads it.

When Christ was born he came from within a virgin womb, when he died he was placed in a virgin tomb.

Our attitudes are a direct result of what we are thinking.

Loneliness is our friend when it forces us to enjoy God's fellowship as much as we enjoy other's fellowship.

Revival is nothing less that a new beginning of obedience to God.

As long as the devil is after you, he hasn't caught you.

No one is poor who can by prayer open the storehouse of God.

Doing the Will of God leaves me no time for disputing His plans.

Only God creates. Man simply rearranges what God created.

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