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The Lush Family Page/
by Donald L. Walker

Two thieves were hanging very near
Our Lord the day He died.
Each one could see the cruel spear
Pierce through Christ's bleeding side.
Each heard the prayer He whispered low
As darkness dimmed the view:
"Forgive them, Father, for they know
Not what they really do."

Amid the clang of shield and sword
And boisterous cheers that day,
One thief looked down upon the Lord
And men could hear him say,
"If thou were He, God's only son,
The angels would be near;
But you are helpless, there are non
To take You down from here"

But when the other thief did see
The Lord upon the tree,
He breathed the words, remembered yet
"Dear Lord, remember me.
Remember me when you shall come
Into Your Kingdom fair".
"My blood," said Christ, has
Cleansed your sin,
Today shall you be there".

Great was the faith that thief displayed
Upon the cross that day.
He saw no marks on Christ that said
He was the Life - the Way.
And yet, that thief, in faith believed,
And in his dying hour
He showed for all eternity that faith,
Not works, has saving power

The Lush Family Page/
