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Just A Dream

Ahhhhh Precious one, I look at your face from the picture I have

And wonder what your smile would be like if you where here before me.

Warmth spreads through me and I reach out to touch your face.

I smile and close my eyes, willing you to be here and you are,

But when they open, you're gone........only a dream.

I turn to the 'puter and watch and wait for your name to light up

Not only the screen but my face, and then you're there

And the warmth spreads again like lava in my veins.

I wonder what you are doing and what you are thinking

And hope that your thoughts are of me too..... and I dream.

I wake up in the morning with thoughts of you running through my mind

And I feel your presence, like there is no today, no tomorrow, only now.

A feeling of complete contentment courses through me

And I turn to find you gone.......another dream.

I long for the day when the dream becomes reality,

And the reality hits, and it's still, Just A Dream...

PrinSass/99 ©