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Life is Precious


Life is building memories.

Some we cherish,

Revisiting often.

Languishing in one thought or another,

Drifting by scenes,

Sometimes stopping,

Spending extra minutes interacting.


Life is also letting go.

Letting go of black thoughts

Lighting candles in the once dark corners

Opening windows

Letting fresh air in,

Inviting comfort in our hearts.


Life is listening to the Angels

And those gone before us

For they know our pain.

They cry out to us

Shed the restraints.

Love the lost,

Love the living.

It's ok to do both.


Life is a gift. Treasure it.

The rewards are many.

Place each treasure in a your special memory place.

Visit often

Don't forget to share.

Treasures are best viewed with smiles Born on happy hearts,

Shared with special friends.


Life is a journey.

When a fork appears,

Choose wisely.

Follow bright light,

Chance new dreams and hopes,

Untold happy days and nights

Sharing Precious moments with others.

Follow darkness,

Discover sadness and sorrow,

Cries echoing down narrow dark passages

Endless emptiness and longing.


Life is Precious. Which path will you follow?


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