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A Dream Come True

You asked me for my dreams

So I'll tell you of a few

I know they are not many

But for me they seem to do.


I dream of planting flowers

In the early morning dew

And watch their growth intently

In awe of life renewed.


I dream of boys to men

Pride in my heart does swell,

I hope and pray for happiness

And their success as well.


I dream of friendships steady

Over years of ups and downs

And hope I've touched just one heart

And taken away some frowns.


I dream of 'starry nights

Full moon blazing up above,

Standing in the shadows

Watching ones I love.


I dream of endless walks

On beaches made of sand,

Listening to the talk

Of my love, I hold his hand.


I say my dreams are simple

And my wants seem very few,

But to find my dream of shared love,

T'would be a dream come true.


PrinSass/99 ©