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Shadows of the Past

I stand in the shadow

Of my Love's former life

Wondering why I'm being

Punished for untold crimes.

A decade has passed since

Your world changed to black

And still you torment yourself

And me along with it.

I give you love.

You take it and toss back anger.

I give you respect.

You take it and toss back fear.

I give you hope

You take it and toss back suspicion.

"Let go" I beg,

"Not I" you cry,

"For I will not be had again!"

And so you cling in terror

To shadows of the past

And give up what true love

And happiness could bring.

I watch in anguish and my heart breaks,

For the love that could have

And should have been mine

Is slowly engulfed by the darkening shadows of

Bitterness and fear

And love is no more.
