Xena stood at the foot of the shrine, looking around her surroundings. Not large, by any means, Hermes temple glittered with the wealth of a thousand master thieves, who over time gave the god their tribute by creating this place of homage.
"I'm suprised no ones been tempted to carry off this treasure before."
Xena didn't realize she had spoken aloud until Phrixus answered.
"None dare. Once given to the god, it's his property. Just as donating to him will grant you his favor, stealing from him will grant you your death."
Xena nodded her understanding and returned her gaze to the focal point, a large gold statue of Hermes, classically posed with his winged sandals, winged hat, and his wand, the caduceus, gripped firmly in his hand. The figure was beautiful and Xena remembered Polyidus' words.
"Ask for his grace and ability to strengthen you."
Xena was not used to praying, to any god for that matter. The closest she had come in a long time was her visits to her brothers' grave. But if I don't do something, Gabrielle will be lost to me. She hesitated only briefly, then knelt down at the foot of the statue humbly.
"Great Hermes, you know I am not a loyal follower of your temple, but please, grant me your strength for the trial I will soon face. Benefit me with your cunning to steal my best friend back from the evil spirit Petros, who uses her body to carry out his cruel intentions. Please, I ask for your mercy. Help me save my friend."
Xena's head dropped dejectedly. She had been staring fixedly at the face of the golden figure, but nothing happened. No malevolent presence filled the room. No great power was in evidence. It's no use. Hermes must not want to help me.
Feeling strangely conquered, Xena began to rise to her feet, but a warm hand rested itself on her bent head. Xena looked up sharply and ceased her initial urge to struggle as the cool green depths of Hermes eyes stared down at her.
The statue was gone, and in it's place stood an amazingly attractive young man, wearing the same sandals and had, and carrying the same wand in his hand. "You are not used to being crept up on, are you Xena? You should have remembered me better."
And then Xena did remember. On the morning he was born, he began his career by stealing Apollo's herds before nightfall. Of course, Zeus made the babe give them back, but he had been the masters master ever since.
"You seek a request from me. To give you the ability to steal away your friend. I cannot help you do that."
Xena tried to control her emotions upon hearing his words, but she wasn't quite successful. A single tear traced a glistening path from the corner of her eye down her cheek.
Hermes, upon seeing this rare sight, took pity on the woman so humbly kneeling before him. With his free hand, he reached out with gentle fingers and wiped the drop away.
"Cry not, warrior princess. I said I wouldn't help you steal her body. I said nothing about not helping you at all."
He turned and paced several feet, before swinging around and asking abruptly, "How did you find this place? My temples are only known to my faithful followers. Rarely does a non believer find my grottos."
Xena sat up, her composure regained.
"I used my head, of course."
Hermes nodded. "Yes, I can see that. But is it your way to seek shelter from chaos?"
Xena frowned. She had ducked into the alleyway just to escape the crowds.
That's not usually my way, she wondered.
"I thought not. Your spirit told you the way, Xena. And that tells me your quest is just."
Hermes stepped close to her and raised his caduceus.
"You must set out for the realm of Aries. Your friend goes there to conquer him. If she succeeds, all will be lost. If she joins him, all will be lost. You must stop Petros before he destroys all. Close your eyes, Xena and prepare to accept my gifts."
Xena trusted the god in that moment and obediently lowered her eyelids.
From behind them, though, a fierce golden light shot through, making her squint her eyes tight from the brightness.
"May my wisdom and cunning imbue you, granting the knowledge you require and the ability to carry it out. Your actions will govern the future. Follow your spirit, for it always knows the correct path. Choose wisely."
As suddenly as the cavern had been bright, it then sank into darkness as the god disappeared. Xena opened her eyes and could feel the difference in the room. He's gone. But Xena had what she came for. The knowledge of how to destroy Petros and free Gabrielle.
"I did my part. Now, are you going to show us where this treasure of yours is?"
Phrixus' voice cut through her musings. Xena remembered her deal with the boy and wasn't about to welch on it.
"Gather as many people and bags as you have. You'll need them."
Chapter 17
As Xena was leading the young Phrixus to his treasure, the entity now calling itself Ara was pillaging every village she crossed. Her name spread far and wide, terrorizing any who dared whisper of her exploits. She moved forward steadily, always with one goal in mind. Ares.
The entity remembered a time when he had taught the fledgling god about the beauty of war. But even then he was weak, the entity remembered. Unwilling to stand against those other puling weaklings that call themselves gods.
Mounted on horseback, the entity Ara showed like a beacon in the middle of her war crazed army. No longer did her men pray to Ares. Every one of them knelt at her feet before entering a battle. When they called for protection, the name Ara was the one they invoked.
Gabrielle was a distant memory now. The entity could feel the presence of her spirit weaken every day. Soon, she will be gone and only I will remain.
"Goddess! We approach the last village before Aries temple. What are your orders?"
Ara looked him straight in the eye as she drew her sword.
"Kill them all. Leave not one living soul alive. But don't burn it. We need the supplies and besides, it would send up a signal nobody could miss. Especially Ares. And we don't want him to know we're coming."
"On your orders, Ara!"
Her second in command rode away and Ara smiled as she watched another village fall to her power.
Yes, the entity thought excitedly. It's just as I remember it. The thrill of the attack, the rush of adrenaline when you run your sword through some hopeless fool. What an addiction this has become. But the cruel streak marring the once angelic face told of how much the entity enjoyed this narcotic. She charged full out into the fray, screaming a battle cry so loud, it could be heard clearly above the sounds of battle.
Simple men, farmers mostly, stood bravely with pitchforks and scythes in hand, trying to defend their homes and families with every weapon they posses. They fared relatively well at first, fighting the less experienced warriors who charged to the head of the battle to seek their glory. But as soon as Ara's destructive aura came charging into the fray, the tide turned against the brave men.
Armed with her sword, she fought aside the feeble attempts at defense and mercilessly cut down man after man. One farmer would try grabbing her from behind while another would take her on, but she sensed their trick and turned it against them.
One moment she was being held firmly from behind, the next she was flipping through the air, watching as brother cut down brother with a blow meant to take her life. As she landed, her arm immediately began to block the blow aimed for her head. Ara swiveled and kicked the lone man sharply in the head. She listened gleefully as the bones in his neck shattered from the impact and his body falls heedless to the ground.
More! I want more!
And so they came, young and old, seeking only to protect and meeting the blade of her sword instead. Blood splattered across her body, until she looked to be bleeding herself. The rage in her eyes lingered until the last man was killed, leaving a single group of defenseless women to face Ara and her army.
Surveying the carnage, Ara was satisfied, and walked calmly to the well in the village square. She tore away a piece of cloth from the shirt of a dead man sprawled at it's walls, and proceeded to wash away the blood from her arms and face. The whimpers of the village women as they cowered in fear only served to annoy Ara.
So with a angry snap, she called, "Ander! Take the survivors to that building over there."
She pointed and her assistant acknowledged the squat farmhouse with a nod.
"Keep them alive until I ask for them."
Again, he nodded, but asked nervously, "Goddess, I hesitate to ask, but the men have been getting a little anxious for more than just battle. The want to know about the spoils...."
Ara looked at him, then at the women behind him.
"I said alive, Ander. Do what you will."
She never saw his leer as she walked away without a glance. Nor did she stop when the screams of the females rose above the roar of the men. Actually, the sounds stimulated her as no other could do.
I am a generous leader, the entity thought happily. No other would share such bounty of agony like I do. Yes, generous. And a chilling laugh joined the voices of pleasure and pain.