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Best Friends, Better Enemies, Chapter 9

Chapter 9

As Gabrielle traveled across the countryside, she met many travelers. Most were warriors or mercenaries, seeking out their next source of employment.

These misfits Gabrielle collected around her like bees to honey. After a brief glimpse of the powers she contained and the stolen treasure, they were more than happy to join her army.

But others weren't. Many an innocent traveler fell victim to her evil when they refused her solicitation. These unfortunates were either killed on the spot, or taken to the camp for Gabrielle's sport.

The evenings in the camp were chilling for everyone, even the most hardened amongst the warriors. Screams of pain escaped their commanders tent, the wretched sounds of the unlucky who were captured instead of killed.

But not a man among them dared confront her. It's the secret to her power, they whispered to each other. And soon they felt that some of her power was trickling down to them. Every village they attacked, every caravan they ambushed, all came to them via Gabrielle's powers. Nothing stood in her way.

"Ander, I don't care what is in our way. Destroy it. All of it."

The latent power was bubbling inside the body of Gabrielle at ordering more destruction.

The entity was feeding nightly on the torture of innocents. Like an addict with a drug, the entity savored every plea for mercy, every scream of pain.

The source of the entity's power was the pain center of the human body and the energy released during torture. Only when the overwhelming pleasure of draining someone overcame the entity's being could the real Gabrielle surface and take a respite from the terror. Such times were brief but enough to keep her intact.

"But if we head in that direction, we'll be going head to head with Aries himself. You of all people know he won't tolerate direct opposition."

As the second in command watched, the woman who gave him his orders turned icy in her regard.

"Just exactly what do you mean?"

The man visibly shook beneath his tarnished armour.

"I mean, well... he's a god. His vengeance against those that oppose him is legendary. Besides, most of the men who follow you are faithful to Aries. After all, he is the god of war."

Gabrielle looked at the man scornfully. Pity all of my old lieutenants are dead. If they were still alive, we would rampage across this world. Hmm, raise the dead. Now there's a thought. Maybe I'll do that. But not now. Later.

"So, the men want someone to pray to? I think I can arrange that."

Grabbing the pitiful man by his chestplate, she pulled him to within inches of her flaming eyes.

"Hear me well, Ander. I will have Aries' sword and become god in his place. Once I do, I can challenge any who would stand in my path. Mortal or immortal. Now, you can either be on my side, the winning side, or dead. Which is it going to be?"

Although Ander stood a head over the petite blonde, he couldn't help but feel like a small insect pinned to the wall by the daggers of her eyes. I don't want to be on this woman's bad side. Even if her plan is crazy, I don't dare turn back now. She'll kill me for sure.

Only seconds had gone by while he deliberated, and his answer was exactly what was expected.

"Yours, of course."

"Of course. Fortunately, Ander, you answered fast enough. Another second and you would have lost that worthless thing you call a head. You know your orders. Carry them out immediately. And, oh yes Ander, assemble all the men in front of my tent in five minutes."

Gabrielle turned away and returned her attention to the battleplans she had been studying prior to Ander's entrance.

"All the men?" he asked hesitantly. His comment earned him another icy glare over her shoulder.

"All of them."

The rumble of male voices vibrated the walls of the tent, and Gabrielle knew she was about to take her first step towards becoming a god.

I never liked the name Gabrielle anyway, the entity recalled with a shudder. Far too weak sounding.

As Gabrielle's hand pushed aside the tent opening, the rumble outside built into a roar as her men caught sight of their leader. Stepping into the sunlight, she seemed to unreal to be a mere mortal.

Her long hair was now fashioned tight to her head in an intricate braid. The woodsman green top and skirt has been discarded for a glorious set of leather armour. Starting at a point at her stomach, the metal guard wound and twisted up her torso, stopping at the tops of her breasts in seductive but lethal points of flames. Shot through the metal was red, gold and black streaks, making the illusion of fire all the more real. Her arms were banded by armlets of a matching design, and her skirt was short strips of leather, cut in a flowing design to match her breastplate.

On the whole, where once had stood a girl, now there remained a woman. And this woman wanted no ties from the past to bind the future.


Immediately, the men quieted down, anxious to hear her words.

"You've all seen my powers. Do any of you doubt my abilities?"

Heads shook, but not a man voiced his thoughts.

"Then from this day forth, you need not pray to the false god, Aries. A god none of you has ever seen, nor has he helped you in your times of trouble. Not like I have."

A low rumble began at her words. The men weren't sure about this course of action. One brave soul, in the back of the group, called out loudly,

"But if we don't pray to Aries, who will protect us in battle?"

Gabrielle's frame straightened firmly and again the men quieted.

"I will protect you. I am no longer the child Gabrielle. No, I have grown beyond such limits and now I am much more than that. I am Ara, goddess of destruction. And I will bring about the downfall of Aries. Are you with me?"

Male shouts of approval surrounded her, raising the entity to a level of power it had never known before. My time has begun, it thought.

The cries changed rhythm, till the chant, "Ara, Ara, Ara, ARA!" arose from the campsite. And the new goddesses laughter soared with it.