“The fires killed many. They were trapped in their homes and couldn’t escape. Most of those that did manage to get out were weaponless and didn’t stand a chance against the marauders.”
Valica, the tall blonde leader, tossed another log on the fir as Xena and Gabrielle listened to their tale The small cookfire caused shifting patterns of light and shadows over the assembled group, hollowing cheeks and eyes so they looked otherworldly, in a strange way.
Surrounding the five adults were female children of many ages. Including the shadow Xena and Gabrielle had chased. Her name was Skye, and at 14 years old, was the eldest of the younger survivors. Napping peacefully in her lap was Elicia, a bright 3 year old with the disposition of an angel. The other seven all ranged in age between 5 and 12. But the common thread that had them all clinging to one another was the fear that nothing could keep at bay.
“Were they after something? What could have caused the townsmen to turn so violent?”
Gabrielle understood warlords, thieves, and conquering armies. But the needless destruction of her sisters lives was beyond comprehension.
“It’s actually been building up for months. We started getting immigrant amazons, just a few at a time. Before long, we had over 100 of us in the village. They told stories of other villages destroyed and how they were chased away with little more than what they had on their backs.”
Valica looked around at the homeless group of girls. “We’ve always survived by keeping to ourselves. Rarely have Amazons disturbed the lives of the townsfolk. Until recently, we grew our own crops and were totally self sufficient. Yet when our supplies ran low and we decided to go to Messene, we didn’t fear to walk within that realm. Can you imagine our shock when we were turned away? Suddenly our dinars weren’t good enough. The indignity of dealing with an Amazon was more than they could bear.”
“They must have had some reason. These are simple people. They are usually content with raising their families and working their jobs.”
Gabrielle frowned thoughtfully. “I haven’t heard of any disturbances with the Amazons lately. That’s why we were so surprised by the attitude in Messene.”
Xena knew the answer to Gabrielle’s question. She had seen this problem in varying degrees her whole life. but never to the extent she saw here.
“It’s fear. What they don’t understand, they must fear. And what they fear, they must therefore destroy. Ignorance breeds contempt, and this situation has been growing for a long time.”
“But Xena, the Followers of Eli would never condone this. they must have voiced some objection to this evil plot.” Gabrielle was shocked when the third Amazon, a silent figure with coal black hair, spat violently at her.
“The Followers of Eli! Those misbegotten curs were the ones that started all this!”
“That’s impossible! The Followers of Eli believe in the way of love. That leaves no room for the intolerance you’re talking about.”
“Then explain to me why those all-loving Followers met us at the city gate with rotten tomatoes and damnation upon our souls for not forsaking our gods? Why did they call us sinners and whores, for not being subservient to men and marrying our mates? Why Gabrielle?”
Turning to Xena, she asked, “Do you know? If they love peace so much, then why did they turn the town against us?”
As Gabrielle tried to reason with Mellina, Xena struggled with the knowledge she had purposely withheld from her friend. Knowing she had to tell her, Xena lightly clasped Gabrielle’s arm, drawing her attention away from the quarrel.
“There’s something I need to tell you.”
Xena steeled herself for the moment to come.
“Gabrielle, I found out that a lot has happened to the Followers of Eli, more than we’ve learned about since we’ve been back. Mostly we have met the wonderful people who follow Eli’s teachings to the letter. But somehow, some way, the followers have split into two separate factions. The original group, founded by our friend, has been terribly persecuted. But the other...” she sighed, “They call themselves Zealots of Eli. They’ve managed to twist the truth around to suit their own ends. Instead of preaching love, they cry how women are lower than men and how the beliefs of any other god other than their own is evil and must be destroyed. And there’s much more.”
Xena looked around at the assembled group and contemplated the possibilities. “If that’s who we’re really fighting, we are going to have a lot of problems. The Zealots are gaining followers fast. Men who are unhappy and dissatisfied respond to the need to lay blame. They have at least one group in every town in Greece, from what I’ve heard.”
Xena hated the pain that filled her friend once again. but it was time Gabrielle heard the truth, she reasoned. Besides, I hated to keep that secret from her anyway.
“What we need to do now is come up with a plan. You’re not safe here any longer, that’s for sure. Above all else, we must protect the children.”
Nine youthful, but solemn eyes stared back at the warrior princess as she and the other adults Amazons tried to plan their next step.