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Crossroads, Chapter 10

"Xena, I didn't mean to stop you from rescuing Gabrielle."

Mitch had endured Xena's silence since they had begun tracking their two friends. The tension built to a fever pitch, until Mitch couldn't stand it any longer and had to speak up.

"It doesn't matter now. What's done is done."

Xena's abrupt dismissal was an obvious tactic as far as Mitch was concerned.

"It does matter. If you had charged after them in all your fury, several things could have happened. One, you catch up with them, but your anger controls you and you die. Two, same thing, only Gabrielle dies. Or three, your so blinded by your emotions that you loose the trail altogether, and Kat and Gabrielle both die. Since none of those options are acceptable, I stopped you. Calm down and think, Xena. You of all people know it's not the hot blooded that win the battles, but the warrior with ice in their veins."

"Are you forgetting the other option? Where I rescue Gabrielle, kill the beast and lead us out of this mudhole? What if Gabrielle is dead or dying even as we speak because I couldn't go after her?"

Xena's anger was on the verge of exploding, her concern over her friend overruling her normal behavior. But Mitch, always the voice of reason, diffused Xena's temper easily.

"Someone always pays the price for impatience, little one. Regardless of the circumstances, a cool head conquers fast feet. And are you forgetting Kat? She won't let anything happen to Gabrielle. Even if it means forfeiting her own life to do so."

Xena realized she was right, and didn't hesitate to admit it. In many a battle, Xena's own meticulous planning had dominated a more spontanious apponent.

"I'm sorry. You're right, of course."

Xena also admired Mitch's bravery. Not many people had the courage to stand up to her and tell her she was wrong.

"What we need to do now is find those two before anything else can happen."

Mitch smiled. "I can agree with that." They both set back to following the trail, but after several minutes they abandoned their task as Kat came racing out of the mist.

"Quickly! This way!"

She was out of breath and slightly flushed from running so fast, but when they jumped to action, she turned and headed back the way she came.

"Gabrielle?" Xena asked.

"She's ok, for now. But we must hurry."

Xena's worry eased and she sprinted after her red haired friend. Mitch kept pace easily with the two, thankful that Kat was unscathed and hopeful that they could reach Gabrielle in time.