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Crossroads, Chapter 2

"Do you think she's coming, Mitch?" Kat asked her seated companion.

A roaring fire reflected golden light from her face as Mitch replied, "Even if she didn't beleive it was us, she would still come out of curiosity. I don't think it's every day that she has long lost friends turn up out of nowhere."

Kat nodded her head in agreement and began her patrol of the area again. Both women knew that to let their guard down could mean their deaths. A sinister presence stalked them amongst the fog enshrouded thicket, the only force holding it at bay being the dancing flames of their campfire.

Warriors both, the women were prepared for their eventual fates, but not this soon.

"Kat, can you believe the stories we've heard of Xena? I just can't imagine her killing thousands of people like that."

"I agree. It was always you and I getting into fights. Xena was the one getting us out of trouble. But the stories of her exploits are too numerous to be set aside. That's the reason we sent for her anyway. If the tales are false, we can simlpy send her away. If not, then I pray to the gods she can help."

Kat and Mitch both recalled the incident that led them to this fate.

Years before, as small children, they were taken from their homes and left at a shrine buried deep in the forest. They were tethered to trees to await the gods arrival and to ensure the two girls wouldn't follow the adults back to the village.

Both remembered how the temperature dropped dangerously low and how their small bodies shivered from the cold. Only the presence of the other sustained them in those long hours.

Finally, the moon arose over the forest and framed a woman stepping soundlessly from the woods. The light backlit her body, making her appear huge and formidable to the two terrified girls. In one hand, she held a bow, strung taught and ready for firing. In the other was the carcas of a boar, with it's razor-like tusks gleaming in the moonlight.

Certain they were about to meet their deaths, both girls stood up and stared intensely at the figure. Together, they had decided that if they were to go to their deaths that it wouldn't be as sniveling babies.

The meysterious woman watched them for several seconds, seeing in these two children qualities that were rare in mortals. She dropped the pig to the ground and stepped closer. A stray moonbeam caught her features, revealing a strong jaw and long, flowing brown hair.

She was dressed in the garb of a huntress, with her quiver of arrows slung firmly over one shoulder. It was apparent that she knew the girls were scared, although they put up a brave front. She strethed out her hand slowly, palm up in the sign of peace.

"Fear not, young ones. I will not hurt you."

She repeated this many times as she untied the bonds that held them. Her words, as well as her calm demeanor, reassured the children, who trustingly placed their faith with the strange woman.

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

Kat and Mitch simply nodded and watched as she quickly started a fire. With efficient strokes of her blade, she cut several pieces of meat and began roasting them over the fire. The meat sizzled temptingly, drawing the girls close to the fire for the first morsel. And from the moment the meat hit their hungry bellies, the girls gave their devotion to their savior.

Time passed, and as the girls grew to womanhood, their trust in their benefactress, whom they only knew as Di, grew as will. Until the day came when she told them the complete truth about herself.

"Michele, Katlyn, You've grown into women to be proud of. Not only are you cunning warriors, but fair and honest as well. It has been my honor to care for you these years. But now, I think you deserve the truth. Your savety may depend on your knowledge."

Mitch and Kat, sitting calmly before their friend, were stunned by her next words.

"I am Diana, goddess of the hunt. And I've kept you hidden from the other gods all this time because I knew they would hurt you. But they discovered your existence. And I cannot protect you anymore. You are on your own now, young ones. But you will always carry my blessings with you. Be safe."

Then she disappeared before them as she had never done before. Neither understood the floodgates that thier newfound popularity would release upon them, but they quickly learned and adapted to the situation.

The Gods did come, and requested demonstrations of the skills Diana had taught them. Even Aries was impressed with the talent the girls showed, equalling the abilities of their benefactress herself.

So there began their days as messengers to the gods. Not only carrying devine words, but devine wrath as well. Whenever an immortal wanted to change the ocurse of a battle or war, the two women were sent in as unseen and unheard champions, fighting wherever they were sent with stunning accuracy and fairness.

They continued on their chosen path until the day when they denied a request. Thus leading them to the situation the were in.

Kat slowly walked the perimiter of their campsite, while Mitch rythmically sharpened a blade by firelight. Both silently hoped that their friend wouldn't be long in coming.