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Crossroads, Chapter 6

Xena still found it hard to believe the discription her friends had given her. She had been standing watch for hours, and even after the sun had peeped above the horizon to lighten the landscape, Xena struggled with their words.

Kat & Mitch knew her doubt. Just before Xena had relieved the smaller blonde warrioress, she had taken Xena aside to speak of her doubts.

"Xena," Mitch began, "I know you don't fully believe us. And I know I wouldn't, if I was in your place. But please, for the sake of our childhood memories, trust us. We would not lie to you in this. The creature is beyond anything I've ever encountered. It kills mercilessly, without thought or prejudice. Kat and I have already found many dead travelers hidden in the swamps. Please, stay alert. If not for our sakes, then for yours and Gabrielle's."

The courage and caring that radiated from her friend was palpable, and Xena knew she couldn't dismiss the problem out of hand.

"I won't. This camp will be as secure as a fortress with full regiment. And Mitch," Xena softly grasped her shoulder, "I do trust you. Some things will never change."

Both exchanged smiles of warmth before going about their tasks. Now, hours later, Xena mulled over her words as she toured the camp one more time. Nothing was out of the ordinary, save for the deepening shadows as the sun barely cut thru the fog.

Xena was just walking past Kat, who was deep asleep, when a figure from the shadows emerged and grabbed Xena firmly in it's four arms. Xena was stunned only momentarily before she broke out of the creatures grasp and spun out of reach. That's when she got her first glimpse of it.

Standing eight feet tall, it bore a slight humanoid appearance in shape, but the similarities ended there. Deep set in it's head was four immense eyes glowing eerily green. Below was a round circle of a mouth, extending three-quarters of the way around it's head, with row upon row of razor-like teeth fading into it's cavernous depths. It had no skin, only slimey, yellowish puss bubbling in pollups and ulcers. Sprouting from the middle of it's back was a pair of claw-like arms, with dagger like tips on each finger. But the primary set of arms was frightening to behold. Each bicep branched into five snake headed ends, looking like Medusa with her evil hair.

Xena was amazed that she had broken away unscathed. And before she could act any further, the creature turned and disappeared into the drifting fog, moving incredibly fast for a beast of it's size.

Xena took a deep breath, scanned the area for signs that it might return, and then turned back to the camp, content for the moment that all was again secure.

Kat stood a few paces behind her, both swords drawn and ready for action. Gabrielle and Mitch, staffs at hand, were right beside her, both prepared to charge to the rescue. Xena was still a little shaken, but gave no outward sign of it.

"So that was it, hu?"