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Magic Misplaced

Chapter 2

Xena's hand caressed the rune-like symbols emblazoned on the wall before her. They were magnificent. Lit from a mysterious source within, they glowed with the color of gold and the warmth of the sun.

Xena was enchanted, and began humming a tune under her breath that seemed familiar, yet unknown as well. As her fingers touched the final, oddly marked image of a swirl, Xena began to spin.

Around and around she turned until she collapsed, palms down, on the granite slab. Her head still reeling, Xena looked up and was blinded by the brightest light she had ever seen. It made her gasp and come awake with a jolt.


Gabrielle was deep into her meditation when the vision began. A man, his features indestinguishable, came to her and gently picked up her hand. He murmured in a strange language, but somehow, Gabrielle understood.

A warrior must give peace. A peacemaker must make war.

The exotic rhythms of the mans speech echoed in her mind as he faded from sight, leaving her hands resting on a small carved alter at the base of one of the walls.

Gabrielle touched it's heavily carved surface and the object opened, revealing a dagger of gold inside. She picked it up, and the weight felt perfect in her hand.

Gabrielle was suddenly standing on the granite slab again, looking down on a penitently kneeling Xena. As Xena jerked her head up to stare at her, Gabrielle felt the dagger in her hand raise, then plummet down to her kneeling friend.

Gabrielle came out of her trance with a scream, looking over to see Xena do the same.