Xena & Gabrielle walked thru the now sunny forest and approached the stone temple of Zeus at the far end. It stood like a sentinal high over the valley, guarding it's possession.
"It's magnificent." Gabrielle said quietly.
The peace that surrounded the temple was contagious.
"I agree."
Both women felt it fill them in comfort. A shuffling noise reached them as a small group of priests decended out of the temple. Wearing simple robes of white and gold sandals, the priests only re-enforced the feeling of peace.
One man, obviously the oldest, stepped forward. "What do you seek?"
Standing straight, Xena answered, "We've come to see the oracle."
"Only those that carry the talisman may see the oracle."
Reaching around her neck, Xena unclasped the chain on the crystal necklace.
"Is this what you mean?"
Holding it up, it dangled down and reflected the light from the sun, casting a prism effect across Xena's cheek.
The priest, seeing the brilliant pendant, smiles openly and opened his arms in greeting.
"Welcome young ones. I am the Elder. I will help you in your quest."
For an old man, he moved rapidly forward.
"Come, let me take you to the oracle."
The priest hurried past them, heading back into the forest.
"But we just came that way." Gabrielle called as she & Xena went after him.
A faint "Come, come!" drifted back to them. Shrugging her shoulders, Xena followed the old man.
In the middle of the forest, they came upon a clearing that Xena & Gabrielle had not noticed before.
"Here is the true oracle. Only those with the proper gifts may find this place."
A perfectly circular clearing with thick grass was bright with light.
Motioning Xena forward until she stood in the middle of the circle, the priest told Xena simply, "You must hold the crystal in the palm of your hand, outstretched. Close your eyes and ask the oracle to come to you. Once here, the oracle need not hear of your problem, It will already know. But you must ask for a task to prove your worthiness for the oracle's help. If you fulfill your task, the oracle, with Zeus' power, will fulfill your wish. If not, the consequences will be severe. Do you understand?"
Smiling grimly, Xena held out her hand, palm up, bearing the crystal.
"Let's get on with it."
Mischief on Olympus, XIV
The wind whipped Xena's hair softly as she chanted the words for the Oracle to appear. All was silent. Not a rustle of leaves nor chirp of a bird disturbed the silence.
Gabrielle sat at the edge of the clearing on a fallen log covered with soft moss. She watched as Xena uttered the words to bring the oracle.
No visual figure appeared, but suddenly, with the soft tinkle of chimes, a presence filled the area, thickening the air til' it sparkled like the crystal.
"I know of your distress, Xena, Warrior Princess. How may I help you?"
The voice, coming from no visible source, was lilting and soft, but clearly filling the suddenly small space.
"Give me a task, oh wise oracle, to prove my faith in your help."
A chuckle rustled the leaves of the surrounding oak trees.
"Yes, you shall prove your faith, Warrior Princess, you shall."
The leaves of the trees whispered and sang. No wind stirred the branches, but a force Xena & Gabrielle had never before known was the cause.
Then, once again, all was silent. The oracle had disappeared mysteriously, without a trace. Xena & Gabrielle looked at each other, confusion plainly written upon their faces.
"Come," said the priest. "The oracle has directed me to your task."