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Mischief on Olympus

Mischief on Olympus, XVI


"Beautiful, please! Tell me what I've done!" Aries pleadingly asked Aphrodite.

On bended knee before the sitting goddess, Aries was in a rare position. Most times, others begged his forgiveness. Now, Aries was begging for forgiveness.

"If you don't know what you've done, then I REALLY will not tell you!"

Aphrodite was gloating inside. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, she thought. Aries is always so dominant. It's nice to see him humble once.

"Then tell me what I can do to make it up to you."

His face creased in a smile so sensual, it could make stone burn hot. His hand, before resting on his knee, was now straying up Aphrodite's leg under her robe.

A husky tone entered her voice, but the goddess continued on with Aries punishment, none the less.

"To atone for your neglect, you must stay celibate til' I deem fit."

The shock on his face was worth a thousand words. Aphrodite gathered her robe into one slim hand & stood to walk into her villa. Half way there, she turned and threw back her final blow.

"And by the way, I've had Themis cast a spell on you to make sure you don't try and back out. If you do, I think you'll find the results rather 'flaccid'."

Aries wail of rage followed the graceful Aphrodite into the villa. He should know better than to mess with strong women, she thought smugly to herself. Yes, he should know better.