Xena took Gabrielle's hand and they began to walk across the rolling hills. The sun was bright and warm. The breeze flowing through the flowers and the trees ever so lightly.
"Xena? This doesn't look like the Elisian Fields." Gabrielle looked all around and turned her body completely around.
"Ummm, it's not the Elisian Fields. We're sorta in between there and life."
Gabrielle stopped in her tracks. She swallowed hard.
"You mean, between life and death?"
Xena walked Gabrielle over to a weeping willow tree and sat them both down.
She avoided Gabrielle's eyes.
"Yes. We have a journey to make. At the end of the journey we will be judged and sent to either Hades or The Elisian Fields."
She swallowed back a tear.
"I know where I'll end up. You'll go..." her words trailed off.
Gabrielle puffed up.
"No. Not without you. We've been through too much. I won't go alone."
Xena finally looked into Gabrielle's eyes and was about to say something.
"Xena, before you say what your gonna say, forget it. I am not going anywhere without you. We will stand and be judged together. I'll do whatever it takes."
Before Xena could even protest, Gabrielle shushed Xena and smiled.
"Remember Xena, even in death..."
Xena looked away and sighed. She knew she could never win an arguement with her.
As the sun began to climb higher they started the long walk. Neither knew the way. Yet they seemed to know where to go.
After a few hours they came to a river. Xena surveyed the surrounding area.
"I think this is it. I think we have to wait for, something, someone."
Gabrielle shielded her eyes against the sun and looked both ways.
"Yea. I think you're right. I'll start a fire."
As the hours wore on Gabrielle began to doze a bit. Xena held a vigil over her while she waited for the judgement time.