Gabrielle looked up to each of them and a calm settled in her heart. Xena sat straight, shoulders squared facing the upcoming challange. Bryer and Ephiny kept looking around at Caldonna and exchanging silent glances.
At what seemed an enternity they reached the other side. There were countless faces standing in a line. A mist hovered around the faces. Gabrielle shivered uncontrollably.
Caldonna was the first to get out of the boat. She pointed for the others to follow. As they began the walk hands began to reach out. Some would grab for Ephiny, some for Bryer. They simply pulled away from them.
A man grabbed Gabrielle from behind. She broke free but fell to the ground. She looked up to see the face of her husband. He reached down for her and she reached for him. As he got closer his features changed, to that of Dayhawk.
Gabrielle scrambled back but was caught in his grip. Ephiny was the first to reach them. She pulled at the figure and he turned to strike. He was brought down, hard by Caldonna.
Xena picked Gabrielle up and Bryer wrapped her arms around the figures neck and with a stealth move broke his neck. Caldonna motioned for the line to move back. As they did the figure disappeared.
"Bryer, you will pay for that."
Bryer shrugged her shoulders.
"I'd do it again. To protect."
Xena shot Bryer a thankful glance. After some time they reached the end. They stood before the judge.