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Don't miss out on your chance to win 
$3 MILLION dollars!! 

This site is my favorite!!
You start out with anywhere between 5 and 10 tickets per day.  This is a weekly drawing actually you get 35-70 tickets per game.  If you match so many numbers with the winning numbers  (but don't win), the tickets you're allowed to play daily increases.  Also, refer friends to get a chance at winning an extra million.

This one is called extreme lotto.  You get one chance per day to enter in their weekly drawing for $1 MILLION.  You can earn points by playing other games for additional tickets.  Also, refer your friends to earn extra tickets.

With this lottery, you get tons of tickets...that's what I like about it.  You have to visit the sponsors to get the tickets, but don't have to buy anything!  The jackpot is $10,000 and it's a weekly lotto.

To start off, you have 3 chances to win 1 MILLION daily.  Once you play for a while, they'll give you more tickets.... I'm really not sure how that works. 

This one is called the 'email lottery'.  You enter to win once and they automatically use the same numbers for every drawing.  They'll send you an email telling you when you've won. 

This one isn't exactly a lottery.  Once you sign up, a pop-up window appears in which you'll see advertisements. Randomly, a banner will appear that says "you win".....if you click on it, you could win up to $25,000

Exactly like Lucky Lotto ($25,000) but you get bonus tickets (even for their power drawing of $100,000).  This one is a pain in the butt though!  Trust me!