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How to post a banner when signing someone's guestbook


here's the html code for posting a banner in a guestbook...just fill in your information and type it in the comments box of the "sign" page (some guestbooks don't support html, so you might want to view the guestbook first when in doubt before you try to post your banner):

<p><center><a href="http://your web page address"><img src="http://your web server name/username/imagename.file extension"></center></a></p>


You're pretty much just telling the browser where your image is so it can go load it onto the page.
You can omit the "center" tags if you don't want to center your banner.
Oh, here's an example for you just incase you'd like to have something to go by:

<p><center><a href=""><img src=""></center></a></p>

Notice the image tag (img src=) has "/images" in it........I use angelfire which puts my images in a subdirectory.....that's why I have "/images" in my tag.  Most people don't have subdirectories...  if you're one of those people, ignore the /images part.


About Me
Kaitlyn Paige
My Portfolio
Gator Alley

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