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Are you psycho?  If so, click HERE

See a picture of me HERE and on my Florida page (which is more recent)

Hi, my name is Katye , as if you couldn't tell from the huge title at the top of the page *grin*.  I'm a 23 year old Libra (some people actually like to know signs, so I thought I'd just throw that in there) currently living in Lafayette, Louisiana.  I'm working as a graphic artist for a local publishing company and I'm absolutely adoring it (with the exception of my pay, of course).  I have a beautiful, 4 year old daughter named Kaitlyn.  She already has five boyfriends at her pre-school so I'm imagining I have a pretty bumpy ride ahead of me.  She's the most beautiful child I've ever had the privilege to lay eyes on.....and no, I'm not biased.  She's also well behaved (thank God)!  People always say that your children give you twice as much trouble as you gave your parents....I'm hoping I'll never experience that (I was aweful as a child) *grin*!

So, why am I here, you ask?  Hmm, that's a very good good, in fact, that I don't want you asking it again *just kidding*  Actually, the fact that I love being creative is why I'm here.  I started this website so I could "play" with it .... and of course, there's the benefit of bragging about my sweetheart, Kaitlyn.

As for family, I have a wonderful mother, who is as talented as she is understanding and compassionate.  She is my strength.  Then there is my amazing step-father, who is an extremely intelligent and talented minister.  He's sooo awesome!  Hmmm, siblings.......I have two older sisters (one living in Shreveport, LA and the other in West Palm Beach, FL) who are both absolutely wonderful and a younger brother who is now a big SENIOR living in Baton Rouge (he's huge....6'2"... and yep, he's such a lady's man....... I can see why.  He's the sweetest guy I know...what do you expect...he had three wonderful sisters to guide him along the way *grin*).

Hmmm, let's see...I'm losing my train of thought here...hmmm.  What else would you like to know?  Hello?  I can't hear you.  Work with me, people *grin*!

There is a misconception about southerners that I'd like to clear up.....we do NOT commit incest!  People actually think that southerners, especially from Louisiana, do.....I was appalled *grin*!  Oh, and not all of us are fact, there are only a small handful of people I know that would fall under that category...and I'm sure it's the same anywhere else.  I guess the movie "Waterboy" didn't help matters either.  Don't get me wrong, it was a funny movie, but I was insulted by the way Louisiana was portrayed.

Whew, I'm done venting *grin*. 

Hmm, let's see...oh yeah, I've completed two years of college (I'm sitting out at the moment but plan to go back) where I was majoring in Architecture.  Architecture and I started clashing toward the second year....I just couldn't get the knack of living off three hours of sleep a night *grin*.  Well, that and the fact that my professors wanted me to design a building that portrayed a certain aspect of life that's traumatic (my subject was child abuse).  Hmmm, I guess I'm not weird enough *grin*.  All I could come up with is making a building that looked like a big couch (ya know, like the kind you see people lying on in the movies when they go to their shrink). 

Anyway, I've had quite a few people ask me about the graphics on this site so I thought I'd add the answers in here.  As far as the cartoons are concerned....I didn't make them.  My employer subscribes to a clip art magazine.....nope, I didn't steal them from work *grin*.  I did a little extra overtime without charging the company for it so in turn, I got the graphics.  They are copywrited to the companies that subscribe to them unless they are purchased or given so I don't suggest you use them....nor do I want you to.  My site is unique and I'd really like to keep it that way *grin*!  Anyway, as far as the titles and other graphics on my site....yep, I made those.  I've discovered how wonderful photoshop is *grin*.

Whoops....almost forgot the boring favorites (hehe).  Here goes:  color: navy, food: fried catfish, absolutely adore romance (what girl doesn't), swimming, dancing, being sarcastic, being creative, yada yada yada. 

I think I pretty much covered the basics...... If there's anything you want to know that I haven't touched on, let me know.  Oh, one thing though.....  ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies *grin*!




Kaitlyn Paige
My Portfolio
Web Magician
Design Services
Gator Alley

Questions?  Comments (only accepting good ones *grin*)?  Please e-mail me at