Gary Waid, Federal Prisoner number 24582-034

Gary Waid, Federal Prisoner number 24582-034

May 5, 1999


Jama Acuff

Federal Bureau of Prisons

Southeast Regional Office

Building 2000

3800 Camp Creek Parkway, S.W.

Atlanta, GA 30331-6226


IN RE: Your reply, received 5-3-99 to my many letters

       dated from as far back as 10-98.




            Are you guys crazy?


What in the world are you thinking with that stuff abut me availing myself of all the Florida D.O.C. programs and whatnot in a secure, safe environment so I’ll become a productive member of society blah blah blah…?

This place is the “Work Camp” at F.S.P., part of the Starke/Raiford death-row prison complex that is famous throughout America as one of the most brutal penal institutions in the south.  I am now under the care and protection of a bunch of guards, some of whom are felonious thugs who may or may not follow the unbelievably strict rules laid down to punish state bad guys – the BADDEST of the bad.   For your information, this work camp is NOT like what the feds are used to. There are 14 counts a day here.  I am not allowed to own so much as an apple.

There is a goon squad at this country club led by a Lt. Z_ _ _.  He may, for any reason he deems appropriate, or simply for his own amusement, take you to his little room, chain you up, and beat the hell out of you.  Then they’ll escort you across the road to the main prison where the goons there (Led by the infamous Sgt. Cruz) will again chain you and beat you and let you sleep and then beat you again, etc…..

And you’ll be beaten.

And beaten again.

Am I making myself clear?  They can KILL you and laugh and drink coffee and ain’t life just a peach, good buddy.

And you can be chosen for this honor on a whim, a smile wrongly administered, an unappreciated gesture.  I know a man who was thrown in the hole and beaten repeatedly because he had RUBBER BANDS in his locker.

I have seen and heard stories of more crime by these people than I ever saw in my entire career in marijuana (remember, I am a non-violent, first-time pot conspirator).  AND I’M SUPPOSED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY?

I don’t think you guys know what you’ve done here, but because it took you six months to respond to my letters, it seems to me that I have a proper concern.  If I were to, at some later date, be beaten, tortured, killed, staked out in the yard for the flies to eat, I can expect that you’ll look into it as quickly as possible, maybe in a year or two or three or screw it, maybe he’ll just go away and I’m tired and he’s a felon anyway, what the hell.


I cannot address the legal issues here, my lawyer, Mr. Cohn says he’ll deal with that, but I could not let your unbelievable letter go without a reply.  You guys are wrong!  And I wanted to go on record.  I have a piece about Lake Butler N.F.R.C. on some of the internet sites and chat lines. Maybe you could read it and learn something.  Frankly, I am and have been angry and frightened.  I feel I need the protection that disclosure may afford me.


Many of the state inmates here at F.S.P.W./C are angry.  Angry all the time.  Why do you suppose that is?  Hmmm?  WHY?


And why does Florida have the worst recidivism rate in the entire country?



Gary Brooks Waid



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