fence Points of View Other Than Our Own

Points of View Other Than Our Own

Have you stopped to wonder how the citizens of the countries we fight in feel? From these letters, they feel Just Like Us! Kay Lee


I am an Italian and I must admit I felt highly embarrassed that Italy participated in such a senseless war.

The people here have strongly demanded the end of this war and never agreed about Italy sending troups there. Now, excuse me everybody, I have never had any trust in the Nato and I frankly would like to have thrown out of Italy asap. Unfortunately, our "left" government is just a servant to americans so they joined and cheered at this senseless bombing ...

The most incredible fact is with the media : The term both radio and tv stations used to depict the Serbs was "terrorist" while the bombings of the Nato were called "legitimate attacks".

I hope someone has an answer as to what there is of so legitimate in a bombing .... again , the Serbs were slaughterers and americans "occupants", "troops", "allies" (????) ...

I have a constant nightmare: a world egemonied by the americans....but if I close my eyes and open them again they are taking over and over ....

I am just ashamed that Italian soldiers occupy Kosovo ... I am surprised by the narrow-mindness of a government that is so blind not to see that we have gone there just to give Clinton a reason to destroy European economy and consolidate his power ....

I assimilate war and death penalty in one big concentration of imposing the law of capitalism on people that are just too weak to compete ...

Sorry for my English,






Serbian Letter of Thanks to the World

Good morning Wonderful World.

You still know the difference between morning and evening.  Lucky you.

Don't ever find out how miserable is feeling of sleepiness when you are too fearful to fall asleep. Somehow it is hard to get used to fact death might come instead of waking up.

Except good mornings, You still know many other good things. With efforts, we could recall: unfrustrated springtimes, not spoiled with dreadful sounds of alarm-bells; hometowns, divided into two parts by the lazy rivers, rendezvous on the favorite bridges - it is so sweet compromise when your love lives so far, so across the river; studyng in Belgrade, city of The World, Your city, recently wounded and disgraced, and not the only one, unfortunately, Your city, until just while ago and in spite of great economic crises, covered with laughter of students and unborn children, now doesn't want even to be seen, like an old lady who never learnt to look and to act differently but as lady; expecting summertimes, saving money for the vacation on the coast, the small of the Adriatic, salt on the skin, beauty that feeds the eyes, rests the body, repairs the soul, ten days worth waiting for; first fruit of the season, strawberries with cream, apricot juice, plum - gathering, preparing plum-brandy, You World know, for sure, the taste of it; sky studded with stars... ordinary, silent ones... irresistible desire for giving birth... whistle of memories.

What is wrong with You, World? Can't You see? Can't You open Your eyes a bit wider? Are You afraid of what You might see? I would be terrified if I were You. I would be terrified to see the dying Nation. The particle of dying Nation is trying to talk to You. Would You, at least, listen?

I'm not the journalist; this is not a report. I am not going to tell You about civilian casualties, crashed infrastructure, not having elementary conditions for decent living, premature births and much premature deaths of the same babies because of no power supply... I'm leaving that research to Your conscience. It won't be easy now, considering the level of isolation we have been put in. But You know that I know that You already know: not everything maybe, but quite enough. Let me ask You then: why is my face uglier then just anybody's else in The World? Only because They [NATO] want You to believe so? Don't You have eyes? OK, why don't You make Them [NATO] let us wash our faces, and turn the light on; maybe, just maybe, then You will finally see we are not that ugly.

I have been told that over one hundred countries of The World gave judgment against what is happening to my Country and my Nation. I have been told that more then one hundred of Your countries, World, rose their voices. Why then I can not hear them? What do You think, Precious World: is it enough to condemn, or there is something (read: many things) You could do more? Are They [NATO] too strong even for You, Promised World? No, You will never convince me. And You'll never convince these hopeless people I belong to. So, this led us, You, Mercy World, and me, the particle, to the very end of this conversation.

Thank You for the fair judgment; it will hardly end this nightmare. Thank You for the imagination; You still can't imagine the horror that eyes can not embrace? Thank You for the rosen voices; I could swear their strength has to rip the sky apart, but obviously, I was wrong. Thank You in the name of millions of us who have no slightest idea why is this happening, who have only been trying to run their modest lives, and stay cheerful.

If You needed to see us begging, You are not different from Them [NATO] and therefore not worth any of my words; not even one.

Good bye, Cruel World, "there is nothing You can do to make me change my mind" (Pink Floyd). Is it so? Is it that so? Deeply inside, and deeply hurt, we probably still count on You, but if there is something more wrong over here (it is always possible, isn't it?), we'll hardly have a chance to alarm You. Sleep well, if You still can. From now on, it is up to You.

Don't expect me to be grateful in advance.

The Particle,

which would like

to sign itself as:

the Sunset of the Nation

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Thank you for your support during last two months.

Good news. War is over. War is over for now. I am not an optimist about future peace in my country. It will come couple of tens of thousands of NATO soldiers and Albanian terrorists on Kosovo. There is no winner in this war. USA wanted more money. Wanted to scare Russia. Wanted to beat Serbians. Even to occupy Serbia, country with the best strategic place in southern Europe. Who knows who in USA (or not just in USA) wanted that. Who knows what they wanted and what they are wanting now. I think no more than couple of people we have never seen, are behind this. They didn't succeed. Serbs wanted to retain part of their country, almost spirit land for Serbs. Kosovo will stay in Serbia but with strange (enemy?) army in it. Of course Serbs didn't succeed also.

What about Albanians from Kosovo? What they wanted. I think they only want to live in peace (like all Yugoslavs). A lot of them left their homes. They were beaten by NATO, Serbs and Albanian terrorists. All TV stations in the west countries singing last three months about albanian refugees, about their tragedy. What a comedy of life. Comedy with very sad end. Albanians from Kosovo could not succeed. They are cheated by NATO. Those were my last opinions about this war. I have no strength even to think about where this world is going. I am only hoping that it will be a long road.

Thank you again,


Let's look for peace