The Smuggler's Tales From Jails
By Gary Brooks Waid

The pre-prison Gary Brooks Waid, whom his loyal friends describe as 'carefree', came from a good family. His brother and sister-in-law retired after years in the Presidential Band, and like them, he, too, had musical talent.   He was generous, and would have given his friends the proverbial shirt off his back. He was quick with a smile, frequent with his laughter and because he didn't take life too seriously, he enjoyed it to the fullest.  He owned a boat and a guitar and was at peace with the world and the world with him - he thought. . .

. . .Until one early morning when his quiet life was shattered by the noise of Drug War cops bursting loudly and aggressively into his home and the homes of seven others in the small coastal town of Merritt Island, Florida. They found no drugs, but it didn't matter.  They were sanctioned by the system to coerce the most frightened of the seven (who was also the youngest) to snitch on the richest, and Gary Waid's life suddenly ceased to be his own.

Gary Waid had never been in trouble with 'the law' in all his 40-something years, had never hurt a soul, but the prohibitive marijuana laws in our country swept Gary into the arms of the human warehousing system in one quick stroke.

Under the duress of Feds threatening to charge his aged and ill mother, Gary did what most people do in that situation:  He took a plea bargain and received a nine year mandatory minimum sentence.

He resigned himself to doing his time.  For the first five years he was a model Federal prisoner.  The stories he wrote from the federal level were a new view of other prisoner's crimes and motivations.  He shares these first 'Smuggler's Tales' with you here...

The Man Who Would Kill Bill

Kelfin McManus and the Elephant

The Claws That Catch

But then the Feds made a deal with Florida:  "We'll trade you 30 model prisoners, non-violent drug offender types, won't be no problem to you, and you give us 30 of those murderin' Cuban 'Murial Boat People'.'   It wasn't just the luck of the draw:  Gary was singled out for cruel and unusual punishment because of his good record and non-violent crime.

As soon as the Feds dumped  the unfortunate prisoners at NFRC aka Butler CI aka RMC and drove off, they were lined up against the wall naked so Florida guards could walk along slapping them up 'side the head.

"Whacha gonna do now, Fed boys?" They taunted. "You fuck up in Florida, we take you 'cross the street' and beat you." And it didn't take long for Gary to find out they meant what they said.

From the 'belly-of-the-beast' he cried out desperately, "My God!  They're beating people in here!  They're going to kill someone if they aren't stopped!"

Miami Herald Article on Gary B. Waid

Gary wrote his first tale in Florida about Butler CI. 
It reflected his horror at the difference between federal and state level.

 The Lake Butler Nightmare

For nearly four years Gary's been in Florida, and as each new BOP and DOC lie has made his life more miserable; as each new brutality is witnessed, Gary's tales have become more sarcastic, more angry, and more unforgiving.  The words he writes reflect the general loss of respect people subjected to 'crimes under the color of law' tend to develop for the keepers, their bosses, the cruel and unjust system that tolerates it all, and the society that allows it to go on and on... But Gary just kept telling the tales:

"They spit out the word 'inmate'  here like a cat with a furball!"
Gary Brooks Waid

Not In Our Sink You Don't

Update on Mian

A Plague of Priapisms Unloosed

Bartime Stories From Starke

Dressing the Pig

Best of the Best: An American Story

Food Fight

The DOC No-Deal

Stirring The Soup: LOVERBOY

From Behind The Wire Valentine

Gimme My Toilet Paper

About Sanity

Liars and Lies

Gary Waid and the Investigator

The Riley Throwdown


The Bo-ricker Boo Game

Paco's Gift

A Visit With Dr. Drop-Your-Pants

A Crazy Man Just Smiled At Me

Booing Up Becraft

Roid Rage

Why am I in a State Prison Anyway?  
Gary's Letters and Bio

The Newest Adventure
   River Junction Geriatric Prison


images/Gary Brooks Waid, Still A Free Man!

Gary has sat in the hole 'across the street' on four separate occasions in the company of murderers and other violent types while errant guards threatened him for telling his tales..

Despite everything they've done, they were never able to stop Gary Brooks Waid, the 'smuggler', from telling his Tales from Jails.

And in spite of it all, Gary Waid still has the spirit of  a Free Man

Gary was released in June 2002 - Nine long hard years - 100% of his sentence - served in one of the worst systems in the nation -  He has "paid his debt" to society - and then some! Welcome home, Gary!

Oh, I forgot to tell you, Gary Brooks Waid has written several good books since his release and is also the author of Jimmy Duppy . He's up and running and answering all those questions everyone asks about just exactly what is a Jimmy Duppy and where can one be seen.

"It’s a great story and will no doubt make everybody involved fabulously wealthy. Until then, see-ya-later-bye." Gary

Gary still needs a publisher with the foresight to see how popular his books will be once the public gets ahold of them. If you know or are such a person, you can contact Gary WaId through me, Kay Lee



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Kay Lee
Pacific Institute of Criminal Justice
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