
A49: The Transponder Implant

I'm going to present something to you that may sound extreme. But, being aware of the amount of control leaders are trying to exert on the American public, it gave me real reason to question the far reaching effects of such scientific research.

This information seems totally unrelated to the subject of children, war, or peace, but read further and you will see that it will most certainly be used on children; It would be a chilling solution to war, and beyond doubt, could be used to create an artificial peace.

There is reluctance to see the negative uses in the future of innovative discoveries. They are always presented in the most positive way, with all kinds of concepts about how our life will be better for having them.

But the concept of allowing computers to be implanted in the body is disturbing, unless you totally trust those who can access them, and many of us have learned not to. So I was astounded when I checked out the CNN Poll and found that 47% of the respondants said they would allow it in their own body. 

I have included links to more articles so you will understand how real these implants are, the good and bad of them. The inventor is fearful of how the Transponder may ultimately be used. And knowing the leaders we've been following, I tend to agree.

I don't really know what it all means, but it is information to ponder with your eyes open. The final results, just as with the drug war, may not be what we would have agreed to had we understood in the beginning.

Transponder News  *   Email Transponder

Millennium Frontier    *    TROVAN



CNN poll

la Repubblica

Elaine M. Ramesh

See full article by

"Curt" Tomlin, President TCAN


Dr. Carl Sanders is an Electronic Engineer, Inventor an Author and has also been a consultant to various Government organizations. Dr. Sanders headed up a team of engineers to develop a microchip smaller than a grain of rice and he believes it is to be used for electronic surveillance. This microchip can also be placed beneath the skin to provide positive personal identification.

From May 1951 until the present, this writer ("Curt" Tomlin, President, The Christian Alert Network "TCAN") has been deeply involved in designing and installing electronic data processing (EDP) systems of all kinds, from very small to very large systems. Six years of that time was spent designing and installing systems for the U.S. Air Force, seven years for the U.S. Navy (of which almost three years as a member of President John Kennedy's Battle Staff), ten years for the U.S. Army, the first time and one year the second time as well as for civilian industry and local governments.

...during those many years in the EDP Analysis and Design field I was well aware of an effort by the federal government to develop an "implantable" microchip, capable of performing a myriad of functions. However it was not until early in 1994 that I became acquainted with Dr. Sanders and his work/ministry. During the past several years I have conversed with Dr. Sanders several time by telephone and he sent me additional general documentation on the microchip he and his team of engineers developed.

The following information hasn't come out of some science fiction movie or magazine. It is true and happening here and now. Just keep your eyes peeled on our government, the "United Nations and it's New World Order agenda and on the media coverage of technology and it's ability to solve mankind's problems. Listen and watch. You will soon see for yourself.

The technological advances and computer age of recent years have certainly paved the way for the "mark of the beast" and the one world system, prophesied in Revelation. Through satellite and computers and "the New Information Highway" (which Bill Clinton has raved about) we are linking every man, woman, boy and girl to a national network and database. The acceleration of these technologies and communications are swiftly taking us into George Orwell's "1984" "Big Brother government" scenario. Mr. Orwell was right... only he was off a few years. Incidentally, Hilary Clinton's favorite books were "1984" and "Brave New World", where the government controlled all facets of society through technology.

There is a microchip now in the hands of the government that has the potential of becoming the "mark of the beast" where you can not "buy or sell" without it. Carl Sanders, was a top electronics engineer and inventor for the U.S. government, who worked with the FBI, CIA, IRS and other government agencies designing spy technologies and surveillance equipment. He holds several patents and has been presented with the President's and Governor's Awards for Merit and Design Excellence.

Carl Sanders sat in 17 New World Order meetings with heads of state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the CIA to discuss plans on how to bring about this One World System. The government commissioned Carl Sanders to design a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world - a microchip that could be inserted under the skin with a hypodermic needle (a quick/convenient method that would be gradually accepted by society).

Carl Sanders, with a team of engineers behind him, with U.S. grant monies supplied by tax dollars, took on this project and designed a microchip which is powered by a lithium battery rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin. Without the knowledge of the Bible, (Dr. Sanders was not a Christian at the time.) these engineers spent one and a half million dollars doing research on the best and most convenient place to have the microchip inserted. Guess what? These researchers found that the forehead and the back of the hand is not just the most convenient place but is also the only viable place for rapid, consistent temperature changes in the skin to recharge the lithium battery. The microchip is approximately 7mm in length, .75 mm in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is capable of storing pages upon pages of information about you. All your general history, work history, crime record, health history and financial data can be stored on this chip.

The sending unit of the microchip puts out a digital signal and consists of bursts of 85 data bits. It also puts out a digitally created analog signal at specific intervals. Used as a transponder this signal gives out vital information and also serves as a location marker. It has already been tested and implanted in military personnel, government couriers and corporate personnel. It was used in the Gulf War and was featured on 20/20 in August of 1991.

For years there has been talk about a national ID card that all US citizens will be required to carry. Perhaps, Bill Clinton's Smart Card which contains a microchip will be the front runner to the "mark of the beast". Perhaps this is one reason why we see the Socialist Clinton agenda fighting so furious to wreck our present health care system and replace it with a government controlled system where we would all be required to have this Smart Card.

We are seeing an ever evolving and growing acceptance to the idea of a cash-less society through credit cards, debit cards and electronic transferal of money. InfoPet in Southern California, advertises that they can put an implantable biochip in up to 1 billion dogs or cats. Through cellular towers and satellites they can track down your lost pet within 10 feet of wherever they are. Oh what a wonderful service! Are we next?

The media has already begun campaigning the grand idea and benefits of microchip identification for kids. KidScan, in Tucson, Arizona is already on line and charging parents for this "grand service." Opra Winfrey recently dedicated one of her shows on this subject. We will see an acceleration of this type of hype and media coverage in the coming days. Electronic transaction/identification through implantable microchip technologies is not something coming down the road, it is here and now folks!

Dr. Carl Sanders is available for local speaking engagements, especially in local Churches and can be contacted at Trumpet Ministries, POB 506, Farmingville, LI, New York 11738 (Telephone: 509-880-6285)



4 November 1997

Dr. Carl Sanders was the director of a team of engineers whose original objective was to build an electronic (bionic) bypass for a young lady who had a severed spine. This team effort produced a number of byproducts. One of those byproducts was a device that could be used to affect behavior modification based on the frequency of the microchip. This is one of several byproducts that I am most interested in bringing to your attention in this chapter.


The original concept of a microchip implant that could "only be read," like the bar code on a can of beans, by a global positioning satellite (GPS), to determine the geographical location of the thing or person into which it was implanted, perhaps was a reasonable capability to consider. That is, until you ask the question as to "WHO" would control the reading device and for "WHAT" purpose(s) it would be used and would the people have a "CHOICE" as to whether to accept the implant or not. The extremely rapid evolution of microchip technology over the past few years and the "who will control and for what purpose" question and the question of choice on the part of the people, brings us to the present dilemma.

Much to the disbelief of the vast majority of the people, we now have the capability of implanting, under the skin on the back of the right hand, a microchip so small it cannot be seen by the naked eye. In 1993, Sematech in Austin Texas announced the development of a microchip that was only 0.35 microns wide or roughly 1/200th the size of a human hair. Sematech designs and develops the equipment used by other companies to actually manufacture these microscopic chips. Tuesday 4 November 1997 this writer spoke with a PR representative of Sematech, and was told that the above 0.35 microns chip was OLD TECHNOLOGY. The circuitry on that chip has long since been reduced in size even more and is now down to 0.25 microns in size. What this really means is that the processing power of the old 0.35 microns chip has been increased by about 1/3. In other words we can now do more with much less bulk.

In spite of its microscopic size this chip has the capacity to store page upon page of personal information about you, your general history, work history, crime record, health history, financial data and much more. (Ref Part I, paragraph 11). Given the fact that the information noted above constantly changes, provisions must be made to update that information on a regular basis. For example when your address or work history changes your microchip would require updating. Given that fact not only must the microchip be capable of transmitting information it must also be capable of receiving new information and performing update routines. In other words the microchip is actually a self-contained computer with its own power source and as such can be reprogrammed.

In 1995, as a Senior Test Plans Analyst one of my tasks was to design a data collection and evaluation system for several exotic electronic information gathering and transmitting devices, being considered for use by the various military departments. One of those several devices was known as a Personal Status Monitor (PSM) and while "packaged" for testing purposes only, that device contained much of the same technologies as the devices noted in Part I and Part II. The test package looked very much like, and was no larger than an ordinary wristwatch. But by simple surface contact with the soldiers skin on his wrist this device would transmit to a satellite the actual geographical location of the soldier and his "complete physiologic status" even to the point of issuing a warning of physiologic distress. All of this information could be read by any number of monitors located any place in the world. This technology has been reduce in size to the point that it is only one of the many functions that can be included in the microchip implant the federal government wants to implant in our school children.

It's important to keep in mind that the particular microchip implant we are talking about in this paper is the chip (PPID) the government wants to (and is) implanting in our children. It's also important to keep in mind the fact that this particular chip can be reprogrammed via satellite, to influence the behavior of the person into which it is implanted and this is the capability the government really does not want to publicize.

As you read about the capabilities noted in Parts I and II, keep in mind that NASA reloads and reprograms the many functions of the main computer on the MIR space station and also the very tiny computers incorporated in the MARS Rover. You have witnessed this any number of times recently on TV. Also keep in mind that the computers on the Hubbel Telescope are often reprogrammed to modify its performance. Specifically keep in mind the recent technological advances in the biomedical field, for example artificial limbs that can be controlled by the individuals own brain waves. Perhaps more importantly the electronic microchip implanted in pedophiles that can detect a penis erection and immediately counter that erection by electronic means.


Dr. Sanders also testifies; "It was determined that the chip could be made to produce signals that in turn could be used to control or stop the signal produced by the pituitary gland that causes estrogen flow thereby inducing instant menopause and thus prevent conception". Dr Sanders indicates this capability was tested in India and several other parts of the world.

We are well aware that the present administration is very actively considering some means of government imposed population control here in America. If you have any doubt about that possibility you should go to the TCAN Web Site and read the 45 page document A45: American Taxpayers Routinely Fund Population Control Projects.

Given the fact the microchip in question is invisible to the naked eye and can easily pass through the opening of a very small hypodermic needle, and can be mixed in with another medication and injected at the same time who's to say, it is not now and will not in the future, be implanted in our children without their knowledge or the parents knowledge or permission.


Dr. Daniel Man, a plastic surgeon who has a medical practice in Boca Raton Florida holds a U S Patent on a microchip implant very similar to the one developed by Dr. Sanders, except Dr. Man's chip is surgically implanted behind the ear. In an Associated Press interview Dr. Man states in part " --- the technology behind today's microchip is 'fairly uncomplicated' and with a little refinement could be used in a variety of human applications." The Christian Alert Network has formally requested additional information from Dr. Man relative to the microchip he holds the patent on. As soon at that additional information is available, we will add it to this chapter.


If your school or school district is involved in implanting microchips in the children under the pretext of being able to quickly locate them in the event they are kidnapped, or missing, or they runaway, we would surely appreciate it if you would notify us as quickly as possible.



The University of Reading
Department of Cybernetics
United Kingdom
Wednesday 26th August 1998

Mr Cyborg: half-husband, half-machine

Kevin Warwick is Professor of Cybernetics at the University of Reading, UK, having previously held appointments at Oxford, Warwick and Newcastle Universities and Imperial College, London, as well as working for British Telecom for 6 years.

On a personal level, Kevin regularly achieves a high level of research support having brought in over 2 million in new research contracts over the last two years. Coupled with this he has published over 300 academic papers.

"AS he walks through his front door, the lights go on, the music swells, the bath fills and the wine chills itself: it is the end of another ordinary day in the near future as Mr Cyborg - half-husband, half-machine - comes home."

Tuesday, 25 August 1998 the first steps towards making this scenario a reality within just a few years were taken by a professor at Reading University. Like a latter-day Edward Jenner - the scientist who injected himself with smallpox vaccine to test his invention - Prof Kevin Warwick has become the first person to have a silicon chip implanted in his body.

"The chip allows computers to communicate directly with my body," he said. "As I walk around the building, lights go on and computers burst into life every time I scratch my head. It can be quite scary."

Prof Warwick's experiment is the first to link machines and mankind in a Faustian pact that could see us controlling our environment simply by our thoughts and movements - or, if it all goes wrong, giving machines the ability to control every aspect of our lives.

Prof Warwick said yesterday: "Man and machine have always worked separately. Today, for the first time, we have united to make a better world." He underwent an operation under local anaesthetic to embed a 23mm by 3mm glass capsule containing a radio receiver and several chips under the skin inside his left elbow. It is, he said as he unveiled it, the "ultimate man-machine interface".

He said: "Being a professor of cybernetics, which is all about the interaction between man and machine, it is particularly exciting to be the world's first cyborg." The skin-chip communicates with a network of sensors around his department in a manner that has more in common with Hollywood science-fiction movies or visions of Big Brother surveillance than a sleepy British university campus.

As he entered the cybernetics department, a synthesised voice intones: "Welcome Prof Warwick," and switches on the lights in the corridor.

Prof Warwick said: "Within a week or so, the building will know me better and will greet me by my first name. It's just getting to know me, but it will soon prepare my office in just the way I like it."

His secretary, Liz Lucas, can find the professor's whereabouts simply by looking at a computer screen. She said: "It was often very hard to find Prof Warwick when he had a telephone call or a meeting, but since the implant we always know where he is."

The chip's current uses are limited to confirming Prof Warwick's identity, but the technology has the potential to become a common household aid. The skin-chip has the capability to call a lift and alert a home automation system to switch on an oven cooking dinner, run a bath and cool a bottle of wine as soon as an employee leaves the office in the evening.

More ominously, if the experiment is successful, employees could be automatically clocked in and out of work and traced instantly wherever they were outside their workplace. The technology is already capable of carrying personal information such as medical and employment records, blood type, national insurance number and credit card details.

Prof Warwick said: "It could carry details of qualifications or past legal convictions, making it difficult for anybody to lie to cover up such information." The chip could be used for dozens of other uses, including enabling guns fitted with a similar chip to be fired only by their owner, or only authorized users to drive a car.

Prof Warwick said: "Only approved people would be able to fire the gun, and if they approached a school or city centre holding the gun, an alarm would be sounded, or the school doors would not open." However, he warned that there were many dangers associated with the surgical operation performed on him by Dr. George Boulos.

He said: "If it all goes wrong and my arm explodes, which I have been warned could happen, my wife will probably sue Dr Boulos. We don't know what might happen. For example, the chip could break up or float around my body."

Science fiction has already anticipated other possible disasters. In one recent film, Johnny Mnemonic, Keanu Reeves plays a courier in the year 2021 who stores vital information in a microchip in his head. He has emptied all his childhood memories to make room for the trade secrets of large corporations. But he has overloaded the microchip - and has to empty it before it kills him.

Although Prof Warwick advocates that students should be fitted with chips to check their attendance at lectures, he also admits that his research could mean that we lose control over some aspects of our lives.

He said: "We have to ask ourselves if we want to hand control over to machines. It is a desirable technical advance, but we have to decide on the moral and ethical issues of 24-hour surveillance of everyone fitted with a chip."

The next stage of the research will involve linking the chip to an element of Professor Warwick's or another person's body, with the ultimate hope of finding a way for paraplegics to regain control of their limbs.

The chip would read the paraplegic's thoughts and send a message to a computer that in turn would send a signal to the muscles needed, for example, to lift a cup of tea to the patient's lips. Prof Warwick said: "It sounds fictional, but this is reality. There are scientists working on a related system at Hammersmith hospital."

The ultimate application is to tap into the brain's thought processes - an area that is currently a mystery to scientists. He said: "Instead of having the memory and thought-processing capacity of your brain, you could have the capabilities of an extremely powerful computer.

Where it goes after that I really don't know and would not like to envisage."


While most partners make do with phone calls and letters, Kevin Warwick is developing a revolutionary microchip which he believes will allow him and his wife Irena to know when they are thinking of one another.

In an astonishing scientific experiment, the head of cybernetics at Reading University plans to implant microchips into his and his wife's arms to enable them to communicate via satellite technology. The chips would pick up electronic impulses that travel through the nervous system, and would register a buzzing sound every time the couple's thoughts turned to each other.

The love chips, which Kevin hopes will be implanted within two years, will use a satellite link like a mobile phone. The chips will take a feeling and turn it into digital form, says Kevin. ...I could imagine a time in the not too distant future when people with advanced chips will be able to communicate with each other without being together.

Contact Phone: +44 (0) 118 931 8210


 Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry
Membrane and Neurophysics Department
Martinsried, Germany

Society for Neuroscience 27th Annual Meeting
October 1997

Scientists grow brain cells on a microchip

BRAIN cells have been grown on a microchip to create a simple "brain" to study how the real thing works and how easy it will be to connect computers to the human nervous system.

The work, reported yesterday [October 97] to the New Orleans conference, is part of an effort to merge the world's two dominant forms of information processing: the neurons that your brain is using to read this sentence and electronics.

In the wake of pioneering work conducted in Germany by Prof Peter Fromherz, Dr Michael Maher of the University of California, San Diego, told the meeting that he had developed the "neurochip", a device for growing rat neurons in a silicon chip that could one day help to restore vision, reconnect nerves or control an artificial limb.

The neurochip has electrodes set inside small wells etched into the silicon. Individual brain cells are placed into each cage, growing extensions called neurites that make contact with neighbouring neurons.

The chips must be kept sterile. "Infection with bacteria and fungus is a constant danger," Dr Maher said. "The cells are bathed in tissue culture medium which was specifically designed - not by us - to maintain survival of brain cells. The neurons survive two to five weeks. We are working to improve that but it is long enough to do the experiments we have planned."

The electrodes in the chip are capable of detecting the electrical activity of the cell. Dr Maher said: "We can monitor the network. We can also stimulate input by selectively stimulating any cell in the network."

The team has done a series of experiments to perfect the design of the chip, and to show that it works. "That is, we have shown that cells survive in the chip and that we can communicate with the neurons in the chip," Dr Maher said. The team plans to study the electrical activity rippling across these gardens of neurons to see how the brain processes and stores information.


University of the West of England.
Professor, Peter Thomas
Saturday, 14 September 1996

Computer of the future to have chips on the brain

THE personal computer of the future will consist of chips implanted in the brain of their owner, an electronics expert said.

"The power source of the ultimate personal computer will be in their owners' shoes, with energy created by the action of walking," said Prof Peter Thomas, of the University of the West of England.

Prof Thomas said that within about 30 years, blind people would be able to see by means of such brain-implanted chips. They would be connected to the owner's neural cortex, and pictures would reach the brain through a tiny camera fixed into spectacles.

The chips would supersede bulky laptop equipment.


Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry
Martinsried Germany
Proffessor Fromherz
8 May 1995


Age of bionics dawns with brain on a chip

GAZING into the microscope, one can see a pillow sprouting fine tendrils that looks typical of any nerve cell. But follow the tendrils away from the body of the cell and you see them branch and extend in an eerily regular manner, like railway tracks at a junction.

This nerve cell - neuron - is being fed and nurtured in a laboratory on the surface of a microchip in a project that aims to fuse the planet's two dominant forms of information processing: the neurons that your brain is using to read this sentence, and the electronics that helped me write this article.

This symbiosis between nerve cells and electronics is being created at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Martinsried, near Munich, by a team led by Prof Peter Fromherz.

Prof Fromherz presented his latest results at the International Centre for Scientific Culture in Erice, Sicily. One paper he described, submitted to the journal Physical Review Letters, shows how nerves can be stimulated by a chip. Another, under preparation, outlines the first two-way electronic dialogue between chip and cell. Currently, Prof Fromherz is preparing an experiment to grow a network of rat neurons approaching the complexity of the brain of a leech.

The research may help doctors to understand how to rewire damaged nerves or connect them to the microelectronics that control an artificial limb. It could even help equip computers with biological senses. These practical spin-offs remain, however, in the realms of speculation.

He is the first to emphasize that the primary motivation has been curiosity: "We wanted to create new physics by combining two very different worlds, the biological world and the physical world."

In terms of fundamental science, the project offers a bottom-up method to lay bare the secrets of the most complex known object in the universe, the human brain.

The first advance came four years ago while Prof Fromherz was working at the University of Ulm. With three students, he persuaded a nerve cell from a leech to grow on a transistor. To date, it is the only team to manage this bioelectronic feat, which allows the transistor to "listen" to the electrical chatter of the nerve or even return the banter.

The chip-neuron hybrid creates an opportunity for neuroscientists. One issue that fascinates them is the relationship between the connections sprouted by a nerve cell - called axons and dendrites - and the way the cell processes information.

Individual cells can take 10,000 inputs from other nerve cells and the textbook line is that the cell passes on a signal only when the cacophony from these cells reaches a certain threshold. But it is unlikely to be that simple, with every expectation that each bough, twig and branch of a tendril subtly alters the way it processes information.

The next step was to grow the neurons on a chip and then persuade their tendrils to sprout in a specified geometry. This was achieved in Prof Fromherz's laboratory by using the methods conventionally used to create microscopic features on silicon chips, laying down pathways of adhesive protein that guide the way trillions of nerves organize into networks within the brain.

Using beams of light, Prof Fromherz can interrogate the nerve cell.

After two days in the laboratory, fine fronds grow along each pathway from a neuron. "We can make them grow in straight lines, or induce branching to form trees," he said. Of all the teams trying similar feats on glass, chips and metal electrodes, the Max Planck team has achieved the most elaborate and controlled architectures, enabling both the nerve and its tendrils to be bugged by transistors, for example.

Using beams of light, Prof Fromherz can interrogate the nerve cell; a glass pipette with an ultrafine tip can plug into the cell, so its chemistry can be studied and controlled; and he can shrink the microelectronics so that a nerve cell can sit on 16 transistors, allowing its electrical activity to be measured across its surface.

There is one outstanding problem to be overcome if his team is to wire up networks of cells, neuron by neuron, into a brain. He has to find a way to persuade the nerve cells to form the connections, called synapses, that allows transmission of signals across the brain.

The electronics giant Siemens has provided the ideal chip for the experiment. It consists of a dense array of 2,000 transistors spread out in a chessboard pattern. Now Prof Fromherz hopes to persuade hundreds of rat cells to settle on the surface and sprout random connections. The result: a primitive brain-on-a-chip.

Once this "brain" has grown, he will elaborate it in the microscopic equivalent of landscape gardening, seeding the network with different types of neuron and, of course, growing even larger networks. "In the next few years, we hope to create networks of thousands of neurons," Prof Fromherz told me.

Then another problem will emerge: how to make sense of the electrical activity rippling across these gardens of neurons. That may require the development of new mathematical and statistical methods to, in effect, understand the fundamental electrical grammar of the living brain.


There's more to the microchip than we thought! The idea of linking everyone's thoughts and feelings is truly horrendous, but apparently the technology exists. And what man can do, he will do. Global Brain, here we come.

The goal - the stated goal - is "inter-activity". One caller to local radio told how he wanted to take advantage of the offer by a TV rental company for low-cost digital TV. However, he was told this offer only stood if the customer accepted the telephone line hookup that made his set interactive with the network.

The whole network is going digital, and telephones, TVs, computers and all kinds of equipment are meant to be hooked up to the system, allowing 24-hour interactivity with them. What privacy remains then?

In the light of this move to a digital network (the nerves of the global brain, as one supporter puts it) the indication that antichrist will be identified to us by a NUMBER is highly amusing and relevant!! After several thousand years, the Bible is more up to date than today's newspaper.

On reading this report, a couple of things sprang to mind. I'd always wondered about the exact reasons for receiving the mark/chip, how this would be promoted and accomplished, and why it would constitute a denying of the Lord.

We have been focussing on the "buying and selling" aspects of the microchip, but this report highlights the more important aspect of personal surveillance.

In days to come (maybe not so far away) a world crisis will mean that every "dissident" to the new world order must be either imprisoned or tracked. Imagine this - the authorities, recognizing that imprisoning thousands would be impractical, offer the alternative of an implant, the equivalent of today's electronic tag for prisoners, to allow the dissidents to go home and conduct a reasonably free life instead of being incarcerated in a concentration camp. How many would be sorely tempted to accept?

To refuse the implant would mean giving up home, family, children, pets, career, possessions and everything we tend to hold dear in this world. The alternative would appear to be quite rational and reasonable, and would allow the partaker to return home, take up his lawful employment, care for his family and enjoy a reasonably comfortable life, albeit under the watchful eye of the authorities.

Notice also at the end of the report there is speculation that people's brains could somehow be linked together and their thought processes accessed and utilized by a central computer. Equally, people's thoughts could create and construct and bring about processes via this computer.

This is the ultimate goal, it seems to me, of the new age empire. They have long stated their intention of linking together the brain-power of every human being in a vast global network - because they see mankind as the brain cells of the planet. They have been trying to co-ordinate the thinking of all mankind so that together they can "raise the earth into a new consciousness" and evolve into the next phase of human and planetary life. They have been hampered by the impossibility of educating enough people into willingly thinking this way. But if they could physically link, and control, the thoughts of mankind there would be no problem - the combined thought power of all mankind could (they believe) push us into the new spiritual age.

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