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"You Live In My Dreams"

J. H. Koviak, 1996

You'll never grow old, You'll stay as You are,
The way I first saw You, The way I remember
And when I'm asleep, so softly You creep,
In my deep sleep, In my Memory....

Pictures of You, just the thought of You in my
Can bring, strangely enough, a Smile and a Tear
at the same time.
Everyone changes, Some for better and Some for
Mystery eventually dies, but leaves its Memory
as a Curse....

You live in my Dreams, where You sit upon a Shelf.
You live in my Dreams, where I have You all to Myself.
You live in my Dreams, you're not dead but still gone
You live in my Dreams, the only place together can be

There's no disgrace, in this quiet place,
Just the wonderous sight, of your Heavenly
And it's no surprise, that when I close my
I see You and I, and realize, those were the
best Years of my Life....

Of all the things in the World, You can't take away my
My Memories of You, Your warmth, Your touch, Your scent,
Your taste..
As much as I hate what You've become, it can't change what's
in the past.
And as I lay here smiling, dying upon my Grave,
It seems some Memories never should fade.....

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