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News page

05-07-2002 Hello everyone. I have added this page in preparation of my upcoming BIG MOVE! For the last year or so I haven't had the opportunity to spend as much time with this site as I would like, but in the next few weeks, some major changes should appear.

*I will DEFINATELY be fixing the sounds page, so all links should follow through.

*Pages about other vampires movies will appear, including reviews, pictures and sounds, and any other information that I can find.

I will be putting together a comprehensive Queen of the Damned website, will reviews, pictures, sounds and anything else I can find. If you have something that should be placed here, send it to me, please!

*My list of Top 10 movies will be updated and expanded. My tastes have changed since then, and many more excellent movies have been released. I will also attempt to have a collection of pictures and sounds for each movie.

*I plan on re-designing the page a little, so it looks neater, and is slightly more professional.

*I may have to move domains, Angelfire is kicking my ass with limited bandwidth. To those of you who have had problems with entering this site, I apologize, and I'm working on the issue. However, if I do move, this page will still be active, and will link to my new address, so never fear, you will be able to find me!

And anything else I can think of. I'm open to suggestions, so email me on the link below. Keep an eye pasted to this page, changes are imminent! See you soon!

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