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lady's Webtv tips & tricks page

lady's Webtv Tips & Tricks

     Here are a few of the tips and tricks that i have learned. These tricks only work for WebTv. Hope you have fun with these. If you have any tips or tricks of your own, send them to me and i will put them here and give you credit.

     The following are shortcuts. Press your goto button and erase http:// and type in one of the following. These are especially helpful when WebTv is down for maintenance. Click on the addy to see where it takes you.


     To find the address of an image, just hit your goto button and click on "show current". The address will be displayed in your goto box.

     To find the address of a sound file, hit your goto button and click on "show last" after the music has started playing. The address will be displayed in you goto box.


     If you are sending mail to another webtv user, it is not necessary to add the Just type the name and webtv will do the rest.

     If you are sending a page to yourself or someone via your send key, it is not necessary to use the "edit message" function to write a little note. Just type the persons email addy and then immediately behind the addy, you can do this: is a great page. Hope you like it.) This message will appear behind their addy. Really saves time for me.


     If you are using a "wired" keyboard with your WebTv the F-keys are as follows:

  • F1-Power on/off
  • F2-Favorites
  • F3-Search
  • F4-Mail
  • F5-Find
  • F6-Info
  • F7-Goto
  • F8-Save
  • F9-Send
  • F10-Recent
  • F11-Options
  • F12-nothing


     If you are viewing a page and things seem to be moving slowly, or you get a message like "This item contains too much information" or "This page is too big to be shown completely", chances are your "cache" needs clearing. Your "cache" is the amount of space that your Webtv has for memory. If you have been surfing for awhile or viewing pages with alot of images, you will surely get this message.
     To clear your cache, simply "switch users". You don't really have to switch. You can re-enter with the same user. Remember though, you will lose anything that you have active in your copy, cut, & paste. As well as, your "recent" pages, so be sure to either save the page or write down the addy so that you can return to it before you switch users.
     Sometimes your cache will be too full to even return to your homepage. If you try hitting your "home" key and it doesn't get you there, try this in your goto box--erase http:// and type wtv-tricks:home If that doesn't work, you will have to power off in order to clear your cache.


     How about a Copy, Cut, & Paste lesson? It is one of the greatest things you will ever learn for surfing and making web pages. First I will explain how to do it and then i will give you a few instances where C,C,P comes in really handy.
     First of all, every C,C,P command will consist of pressing and holding your "cmd" key and then pressing another key at the same time. If you are using a "wired" keyboard, your "cmd" key probably won't say "cmd" on it. On my "wired" keyboard, my "cmd" key is the windows button. Play around with the different keys with pictures on them to see which key is your "cmd" key.

     Okay, here are the different C,C,P commands:

Brings up your "find" box. When you type a word or phrase in your "find" box and hit return, that word or phrase will be highlighted on that page.

This will highlight the "next" occurance of the word or phrase in your find box.

This will highlight the "previous" occurance of what is in your find box.

This will highlight "everything" on a page. If you are in an input box, it will highlight only what is in the input box.

This will "copy" everything that is highlighted.

This will "paste" whatever it was that you copied into an input area, such as an email that you are writing etc.

Use this command with caution. It will "cut" out everything that is highlighted in a text area. Two things happen when you use this command. First everything that is highlighted is copied and then "cut". If you mistakenly "cut" something out that you wanted, just keep your cursor where it is and press cmd+V to put it right back. Whew, that was close.

                Okay, ready to try them out??

     Now here are a couple of more commands that work with C,C,&P. To highlight only a few words at a time, place the cursor next to the words you want to highlight in a "text area". Now hold "shift" and press either the up, down, left, or right arrow.
     Using shift+right will highlight one letter at a time moving to the right. Using shift+left will highlight one letter at a time moving backwards. If you highlight a letter or so too much, just keep holding "shift" and move the cursor in the other direction to un-highlight. (Is that a word? un-highlight. Oh well, you know what i mean.) <grin>.

     Now lets try the new commands


     Well, i hope that i have been of some help to you. If you have any questions, feel free to email me here~~> ladyfeline

    If you have time, please check out some of my other pages. Just click HOME below and it will take you to my main page. Oh, one more thing, PLEASE sign my guestbook!!

take care --- lady _>^..^<_


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