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Hi! So how do you like the Triple Background look? It is pretty easy to do IF you understand tables.

Aw, don't worry :), I am going to give you the full code so that you will be able to do this without spending time learning tables.

Here is the code, just substitute the color numbers for colors that you want to use.

You can also use textured or patterned background jpgs or gifs. To do this, whenever you see

<table bgcolor="#color"....>,

change it to

<table background="http://URLofbackground".... >

Okay, here is the code you will use:

<title>Title of Your Page</title>
<body bgcolor="#color">
<table width="90%" cellpadding=40 cellspacing=0 border=1 bgcolor="#color">
<td width="100%">

<table width="100%" border=1 bgcolor="#color">
<td width="100%">
Your Content Goes Here

Well that is all there is to it. Hope you have fun with this.

take care --- lady :)