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Mennonite Info Center
Amish, Mennonite, Plain People
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Plain Prey Story Series by Kansas City Star
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Libby Turner Testimony About Covering
Bethel college: Mennonite Library Archives
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Sara's Amish-Mennonite Woman's Home Page
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Mennonite Connection on WWW
Amish Photo Gallery
Amish Response to 20/20 Report
Libby Turner Testimony About Covering
Variety: Anabaptist Doctrine
Amish Online: Discovery
The Amish Country Web
Jakob's Voice: An English View of Kansas Amish Like
Anabaptist/Pentecostal: Lavenia's Prayer Meeting

My Great-granddad, Mose Thrift, donated the land and was one of the ministers (they had several at one time who took turns each service if the Lord moved on them) for the Piney Grove Primitive Baptist Church in Waycross, Ga. Their unpainted (unadorned) church still stands with it's weathered wood plank walls. It has no electricity, wood windows, used to have men and women's outhouses until the health department made them put in electric lights in the new bathrooms which now stand where the out buildings were. They still have holes drilled in the floor on the men's side for spitting tobaccy juice (yuck!). The few members left sing accapella, VERY slow and I believe their Big Meetings are every third Sunday. When Grand-dad was buried there (the summer heat was sweltering) when I was about 13, several wagons pulled by mules/horses filled with friends came to comfort Granny. I stood in awed wonder as the young ones climbed down in their long sleeves, bonnets on the females and hats and suspenders on the males. There was a cleanness about them I admired. There were others men there in their dress over-alls, hats, puffing their pipes. Plain folks, hard working, not asking the world for a living, just turning their eyes to our Father. Got a whole passle of my relatives in their clean and well tended cemetery. A big helping of my great-grandpappy's blood and his prayers flows in my heart too. I thank God I am covered with the Blood of the Lamb, sealed with His Spirit and walk in His love. Hope you enjoy this page. Write me too!
