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Yeah...yeah! Sure, you want to know about me. That's what they all say! I know you're really after me Lucky Charms, aren't ya?
Lol. Well, I guess to keep it simple {at this stage in the creation of my page) I'll start with a nice, vague, storybook kinda shpeal. So, here goes it......

I was born on a cold Friday morning in December of 1968 in New Orleans, Louisiana. After I was pulled screaming from my mother's womb (peeing on the doctor, mind you), my mother raised me to believe that there was nothing I couldn't do if I set my mind to it. But, hey, who listens to their mother, right? Well, I'll tell you, after quite a few of my friends started giving me the same advice, I decided that maybe she was close to the mark. So, I started trying to do those things I always wanted to do, and made a promise to myself to face my fears whenever they presented themselves.

Thus, it came to pass that I got married (Everybody should try it at least once)and moved to Montana from Atlanta. After the divorce, I bought a motorcycle which, soon after I had restored it to perfect running condition, it and I took a brief flight over a cliff in Yellowstone National Park. Kinda like in Arlo Guthrie's "Motorcycle Song". However, I didn't land on a cop, and I managed to break my shield arm (couldn't fight for 6 months or so. ;P). This fact has not stopped my friends in Bozeman from singing it to me every chance they get, though! Well, this near-reincarnating experience really brought the message home to me that I needed to get my s__t together. But, of course, we of Irish blood are a stubborn people and only a broken heart could take me back home to the South again. Well, that of course happened and I eventually made it back to my start. New Orleans.

Sure, I'm skipping about hither and yon, but it's my story and I'll tell it the way I want to. If you don't like it, then kindly surf on with my blessing and thank you for visiting my site. *nose*

Still there? Okay. As I was saying....what? Oh....Alright, I'll finish up here soon. I 've been a member of the SCA (that's Society for Creative Anachronism) for about 11 years or about. I do all kinds of crazy stuff in that. Medieval dancing, fluteplaying for the bellydancers, armored combat, fencing, leatherwork, armoring, singing, and a lot of traveling. By occupation, I'm currently an MRI technologist, but I've also done CAT scan and I've been a ARRT registered radiographer for the past 12 years (as a ghra mo choi Elfkin reminds me). This has enabled me to move around frequently. When I get tired of a place, I think of somewhere I haven't lived before and go. I've lived in LA, AL, TX, GA, MT, and SC. Partly due to a brief stint as government property in the US Army. I've seen most of the continental US and now I've got my sights set on Europe.

I hope you're enjoying my page and if you do, please, sign my guestbook or e-mail me with comments.

Slan leat, adhuine!


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