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I miss new wave...

haaaaaaaaa, it's me and the busboy...

"I think it's about some real moments, finding some real moments in your life. And when you come here tonight hopefully you find some of those with each other, ya know. i hope you found what you were looking for tonight."
                                                       - Stephan Jenkins

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(And now comes the Randomness...)


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we love bowling?? i dunno...


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dood, concerts and fellas. haa


"you surfer gurl"

You know, i know exactly what i want to do. I'm going to go to grad school out in california. and i'm going to get some swanky job working in a surf shop out there working the cash register, just for the weekends you know. and i'm going to befriend all the native kids, maybe some little 12 year old girls who like to go to the beach and have a mad crush on the lifeguard.  And i'll go surfing after class everyday, even though i won't be any good.  And i'll TA some chemistry lab, but i won't really give a what if their results are all that accurate.  I'll rent out some little dirty condo right on the beach, and i'll get an old out of tune piano from the pawn shop, put it right by the window.  I'll buy those big floppy straw hats you know, and late at night i'll go sit out on the beach with my hat and just look at the stars. I could even fall asleep out there occassionally, wake up and have sand all in my hair, groggily get up and climb the steps to my little shack, throw the sandals on the welcome mat that has a sunset picture on it and says "Welcome Home". Can't you see it?  I think I would write people letters on paper, inclose some sand in it. I'd have a hammock on the balcony, and i'd do my work out there, get a little lamp and work at night, get some binoculars and set them down by the window, and when you see the cruise ship out on the horizon, you know, you see the lights, i'd get the binoculars out.  Do cruise ships go out in the pacific? I guess the ones to Alaska do.  So i'd have some little reading glasses without perscription in them, i'd just wear them b/c they're cute, and my eyes would get sleepy you know b/c it's late and i've been working on this project to make the catalyst lower the activation energy enough to get the chemical process to be most i'd just lie back on the hammock with the books all over the place, and the heat lightning will do its thing and i'll see it...i might even see some of that phosphorescent stuff that floats in the water, you know, the plankton. heat lightning is impressive.  I'll drive with the tops down to class, and i'll go running every evening at sunset, squinting you know, b/c the sun will be right in my eyes.  You know i'm going to do it.  You knooow i am.