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Benimaru! Saankyu

What is he! Japanese? American?

Benimaru! Aside from having a neat name, this vain narcist can kick the crap out of the lot of them. Though he practices the humble arts of shooting (a form of kickboxing) nothing makes him feel better inside than the warm heat of being in the spotlight. (A lot of vain Kickboxers in the KOF). Not much is known about Benimaru outside the KOF (he doesn't have a dark past or anything) but still.

What is known is that he was one of the best fighters in Japan since a young age. Very popular at his school, Benimaru had the stuff. Then one day, along comes this dude-man who is rumored to be really good and can throw around fire. Well, even though he doesn't know why exactly, Benimaru has the power to shock the begeezers out o' you with lighting. Both fighters were seen as buff, both can cheat using extra powers (oh, you guys think you got stuff, just wait) the match was perfect, people wanted to see them at it. Benimaru got his chance to test the newbie when the KOF team thing started. All of the good Japanese fighters were, well, not in Japan (heritage ignoring feinds) so japan recieved a blank invitation. To find their team, Japan was smart. They had a big ol' tournament inviting all the best fighters. The top three placers were the best and were on the team. Low and behold, look who's in the finals match. Benimaru and the newbie. Time to get the show on the road as Benimaru went in for a dramatic quick victory. Well, history proves otherwise as the newbie smote and demotes the Nikaido of Benimaru.

A bit miffed yes, Benimaru learned that this guy was Kyo Kusanagi, Kusanagi like the old legend. It was just a thing at first, but he will'nt be avoiding thy legend soon. Benimaru since then has always been second to Kyo. He doesn't like it. Even though he's got fans, female in particular, Kyo gets the most attention. This drives B. up the wall. but the Big Guy Goro is always there to keep things settled down. Benimaru is helping Goro find himself a woman sice Goro wants one so bad.

*A li'l note. Beni, decendant of the great Galfors of Samurai Spirits (shodown) fame? Can be believed. Galford does use lighting and is from america. Or lightining just reminds SNK of americans. I believe the Galford theorem though.

Well, KOF '94 was all Kyo. Beni was not happy with that, but now Kyo is a good friend, so Benimaru would rather no one else be up there if not him (except maybe Goro Daimon, he's big and strong). The whole jack-wack (Rugal) deal was kinda crazy for Benimaru, who, unlike Kyo, wasn't expecting strange things like that. He was only just a fighter. A prize one at that, but just a fighter. '95 was even crazier since Rugal was bent on revenge and decided to gas the team and fight them again. Then there's the wonderful but strange shadow that envelops Rugal after they bonk him on the head a few. Benimaru realizes his fate and it all becomes clear in '96. If he keeps around kusanagi, things will be ugly for him, now that this "orochi" stuff is happening. Benimaru is vain, but when it comes down to helping out his ol' bud Kyo, he's there. Horroble! They find a worked up beat on Kyo pre '96 tournament. It was Goro and Benimaru who reestablished the once really arogant Kyo and put him on his feet. Then this Orochi in '97. Benimaru knows this is very trying, but uses the experience to his advantage.

Yes, after '97, Benimaru travels the whole world (instead of just Japan) and becomes the BIG attention getting bright star he always wanted to be. but he'll always remember that it was the now laid-low Kyo and Goro (who's back in judo) who started him on the right road. (actually, it was Kyo's crazy ancestry, but oh well). Top class fighter huh? Well, i'm sure he could easily put the big hurt on a lot of peopl. The '97 Benimaru is REALLY good. What's fun to do is anticipate a jump and use the Iaido Kick (that quick kick thing) and then the opponent slides on the ground. Home saturn versions can hit the Practice mode and use Beni to fight Orochi Shermie for hours on end (there's something very fun and fulfilling about this match). No matter who you're fighting, throw that Raijin Ken all over the place, ground or air. the Raikoken is a good air counter if you use thie vertical one, but even the other one works well. ALWAYS combo the Hondu Sandan Geri triple resist kick thing. It leaves you wide open. Abuse the Shinkuu Katategoma if you're not in a corner. just beware, a POWed up Kyokugen persons got a REAL fast Hoh Sho Ko Ken that can blast you right after the recoil if you're not careful, and Orochi can blast you with that cheap Green Sky DM even if you connect! Nish. The Benimaru Kore Da can be used to kind of stop the action if you're overwhelmed, it doesn't do much damage, but is is a throw. I like the way he just dumps an opponent afterwards, just drops them right in their place. The Super Benimaru Lighting Throw is REALLY buff, AND it's even stronger than the average SDM (when powed to an SDM of course). How's that for butt kicking.

-Sho Reppadan-

Benimaru: "I think I could use that Galford ancestry thing to my advantage. Hmmmm....."

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