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Bri-AnBattler (it's fun to say his name like that.)

The Crazyness of Brian

It's Bri-AnBattler! OK Brian Battler, the football player with a wierd last name(at first I thought it was an adjectival follow up, like "Brian the Battler" but it's not.) He joins The King OF Fighters '98 with his old chums HeavyD! and Lucky Glauber. Actually, they first appeared in '94, but no one liked them, so they were gone in '95 through '97. Actually, according to story, Brian's Football team made it to the Superbowl that year, and in '97 I think their entries were stolen by the New Face/Band team. As a result of thier abscence, Yagami & co. took over for the US in '95(None of them were from the US, but hey, be grateful '95 rival fans)

If you haven't guessed, Brian is a football player. I believe he met HeavyD! and Lucky through KOF. The US wanted a sports team and so assembled one with these three, how they found these characters in particular no one knows. (NMaybe a newspaper ad- "Need KOF team, stereotypical sportsfreaks only.") So they met and became friends etc. etc... and thus comes forth the sports team. They were not very good in '94( unless the cheap computer was playing them, then they could jump straight up over Yuri's Haoh Sho Ko Kens with 100% accuracy) Brian is like the tag-along sort of guy in the sense that he doesn't really try to stand out.

'94. It was simple they were not good enough. '95, Brians in the super bowl, '96 Chizuru (With her nice shoes) probably wouldn't let them enter (She wanted to save the world, not turn it into a sports ad), and '97 their entries were stolen. Due to the stealing of the entries, it's safe to assume that Brian doesn't like the Band team. Chris probably makes fun of him. So maybe he is in '98 to show that the sports team can be the best, and to make up for the belittlement of '97. Brian and co. like to just chill. They probably hang out at HeavyD! boxing matches when Brians off-season. Lucky doesn't ball anymore. He's strict on the karate. So maybe they sit down with an ouncex40 of liquor here and there, Brian gets A LOT of exercise in foot ball. This is what he expected to carry him through '94, but he lacked experience in actual combat and it was the fall of him. Stupid Brian Battler! It seems in '98 he has taken his past folly into account and now has some idea what to do in combat( the brutal beating by Goro didn't help, oh no.)

Brian is a parody of a football team in an old SNK game called Football Frenzy. Some weirdos think he's J.Max from World Heroes, but, sorry to say, from what i've heard of the '98 Brian, he could kick up that whack quarterback like dirt. Brian respects his team mates and they respect him back, maybe he was a hippie. (I can see him with long hair). Unfortunetaly, he is considered, like Lucky, to be too stereotypical to be taken seriously. Maybe not in Japan... Hopefully the sportsteam can redeem themselves in '98. Due to the lack of background info anywhere, it's hard to write up on Brian or any of his teammates. Any E-Mailed info would be greatly appreciated.

Now, I've heard that Bri-AnBattlers horrible looking screw body press has been revamped in '98 and can be comboed after! My suggestion? Use it a lot. And play Brian Battler style- don't give it too much thought. Just let his power house moves do the talking. Hit with a lot of hard punches and kicks and the round shouldn't last that long. Be on the offensive (Even though it looks as if Brian plays defense). If you have any tips on playing Brian Battler, go on and E-Mail them to me.

Now Here! Brian Battler is a very violent guy. He actually is, or was, an offensive lineman for the best football team 9best because of him supposedly) but the coacher wasn't liking Brian's unnecessary roughness-like nature and Brian was threatened to be bopped of the team numerous times. I think he quit in '97, but who knows. When Heavy D! had approached him with his USA sports team idea in '94, Brian, ready for some easy violence (he thought they would win easy) accepted like no other, representing the football side of the stereotypical team. Now more interested in violence than footbal, The rude Brian Battler hones his fighting skills instead, now putting them to use in '98. His training did help his football career also, thinking a lot more straight, he was even more effective on the field.

-Sho Reppadan-

Brian: So I didn't have facial expressions when performing moves in '94

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