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Chang Koehan. BOOYA!

Chang make funny noise

BOOOYAAA! And all that rut. It's the Changster. What would he look like thin . This guy is a criminal to jusice and to weightwatchers, so it's Kim Kaphwans job to reform him in to a big (perhaps the biggest) justice guy. Hardly though because Chang in dismay. No he wasn't denied a ham sandwich, but he LIKES being a criminal. It's his passion(fruit).

His role in ol' KOF is simple. To fight alongside Kim to prove he's worthy of his freedom. unfortunetaly, when it comes to tact, Chang is NOT there. In fact he's cost himself many a freeday from his big mouth, to his now best friend Choi's dismay. So it's train everyday with k Choi, Kim, and Kim's Kiddies to no end. Getting severely punished whenever he says something stupid. (How he's kept his weight up no one knows. Probably sneaking in a side o' pork or two). All it is is Taekwondo, day in and day out.

First he tried defiance. That was answered with a beating. Since Chang doesn't take a hint until a lot later after things, many a beating spawned, and Kim, being the fair guy he iss, made sure Choi got one everytime too (Takuma Sakazaki style training). Yes Kim was more skillful, so Chang is stuck at his side with no hopes of surpassing him. Now he has to succumb to all of "Kims whims," including 16 hr. training days. Another Kim Whim (One that my sister is grateful for) is te change in clothing after '95. Out of his Jailberg(?) outfit, Kim fits Chang into a much better Taekwondo outfit. If Chang ever gets free, he'll join the ranks as one of the most skillful criminals out there (next to Geese and the greedy violent Yamazaki) because Kim's got 'im training in Taekwondo.

Oh the days. Chang was a hardened criminal who stole and robbed and pillaged to get ahead in life. After he had succesfully accomplished that, he was too nuts to know when to stop. he liked the criminal work. It was an art to him, so he continued, but was once detained. In jail, the police came up with the brilliant prospect of keeping the hulk down in a ball and chain. Heh, that'll stop him. Then nightfall. Chang hoisted the ball up with one-handed ease and blasted through the walls of the prison. back is Chang with his best friend...ball. That's how he comes together with his fabled ball (and chains). But wait, Chang gets lonely...

Before i forget, Changs name is CHANG! Not CHAN. I just don't understand why people say he's Chan... Anyway, a lonely CHANG (food is no good company) comes across an owner of a butcher shop who had become discontented with his everyday life (Skullomania style). The butcher (whom we know as Choi) had been terrorizing the streets of Seoul. Chang and he became best buds quicklike, teaming up to form Korea's criminally representive-like duo, Chang's greed and Choi's efficiency made them to hard to handle... but not for one person. Chang did get arrested once, but he kept Choi from getting arrested and broke out soon to meet up with Choi and pilage even more.

The duo, out on a daily raid saw a nice helpless victim who looked as though she was oozing with money. Of course, before they got her, they were confronted by a man with Aqua Fresh Whitening teeth. He began to tell them the error of their ways and that they should change. The man was rather small looking and preachy and Chang and Choi could not believe they were being confronted by this man, the two of them at once. Then Kim showed them, flying feet of TKD. They, uh, were smitten in an instant and then Kim came up with the idea of reforming them by taking them back to his house (like he had never thought of it). So it's train everyday. Kim's life didn't change much, but Chang and Choi weren't about to get used to "Mr. Rogers." Actually, Kim being skilled, they had no choice. So there they were. That explains Kims horrendous team (I think my personally edited team is WAY better for him).

Then Chang (or Kim for that matter) started receiving invitations to the KOF tournaments. Chang was dragged in along with an unwilling Choi to assist a hyped Kim who figured that putting them on a team representing justice. Chang was just humiliated by the idea, but alas, all he could do was chomp on that turkey. Each year, Kim believes that the tournament will reform Chang, but every year at the end, Chang says something stupid thus proving Kim wrong and alloting him and Choi another year in the hands of Kim, who just gets hyped all over again. It's been like that every year since '94. I think kim just does it as Changs punishment for his idiocy, because he's not stupid. But as long as Chang has hpes of leaving.

I believe Chang respects Kim, but will never let him know. he does do what he says, due to Kim's skill. but he trains with freedom in mind. At least he's got his bestest bestest friend Choi to be with him in the process 9as Chang has a big m outh and keeps ruining their escape Gilligan style). These best friends CONSTANTLY talk behind Meesta Keems (Mr. Kims) back. Chang finds Choi hilarious (obviously he can't see himself in a mirror). Chang can't help feel belittled, training alongside not just Choi, but Kims two kids as well, who find him funny but not scary. What does Kims wife think? I sure want to know. The only other person I can relate Chang to is the shuffler Leona. It seems that Chang has a little crush (wouldn't that be a big crush?) on Leona. Actually he's quite obsessed, but ides it well in the tournament, although it kinda comes out once in a while. He's real nice about it but leona fans seem to get REAL mad at him. If she can accept it, why can't you (speaking from her "salute" intro with him in '98). Although I did see one disturbing picture of Leona stepping on flowers that Chang gave her and Chang was all sad (Yeah Margoyle, on your site). Makes ya feel sorry for him.

Chang is easy to play but hard to win with. He's what i call an O.R. (Omega Red) character whom the computer can whoop with but humans can't (Heavy D! style). his air counter, the trying-to-do-the-Kim-flip kick move is ood, but too much lag. it's easier if you just jump up with a CD hard attack. His Big Ball strike has auto block and takes off tons. Take that jumt kickers. The spinning ball? Take out a jumper and sometimes they'll run up to hit you at the end and you'll get another hit (I know I always run in in the practice mode). His low Hard Punch is TOO GOOD a regular air counter, and his command throw is nice to use in close (I beat Orochi using just that). The only preoblem is that Chang has a problem getting on the other side of an opponont, and also, one of his DM's is not very good. Even Powed. Yes, the flying Chang, although fun to hit with (use as finisher) can leave you open to counter attack, even sometimes if you hit! Even Moreso if powed. The Kim-Like Chang Super is his best one, as he can air-snag Iori style. It's fun to see the multiple ways he finishes it off. hehehe

-Sho Reppadan-

Chang: "heh heh. Break! Crush. I likes the Hulk. mmm... kinda hungry"

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