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Kaikan... yeah, it's Choi.

Now what the heck...

Time for good ol' Choi (I am listening to my new KOF '98 CD right now. That right, I found a soundtrack. Homage to Mikado Laser Center or whatever in San Francisco Japan Center). What can I say, Choi is annoyed by Kim to know end. Kim is too Mister Rogers style for him. This mutual annoyance for Kim he and Chamng share is what makes them such good friends. They'd never admit it, but I think they have this crazy style of respect for Kim, that, and they fear a good beating. Choi is constantly getting whooped on by Kim for Changs mistakes. That'd make me mad.

Since he and Chang entered the King Of Fighters alongside Kim unwillingly, they have dreamed of escaping Kims clutches. Kim promises them they're freedom once their evil is fully reformed, them being criminals and all. But something usually comes up and they don't seem to get their freedom from the Tae Kwon Do training of Kim (I'd train with Kim forever and ever). Chang wants to escape still, but has kinda accepted his fate. Choi however is still as strong toward freedom as he ever was...

The deal? Well, Chang was a big crominal and all. No one could really do anything about him because he was big and the cops were slackers. Well, Chang was lonely, and all the shanks and veal cutlets and other assorted meats just didn't provide good enough company (ahh... Iori's '96 song is playing. It's just too cool, especially the beginning). Well, Chang was on a nightly raid and saw a dscontented looking short man standing in front of a butcher shop. This as we know is Choi. He owned a butcher shop with his wife (yes, wife. I imagine her short....). The business life was financially fulfilling, but Choi just wasn't content. He needed some action (sounds like Skull-O-Mania's case). So Chang was able to read that and invited Choi to take part in some serious action, crime (there's a different hobby), yes hobby. Chang was set from previous robbery's etc. and Choi had a stable source of income. They both did it for fun (behind Choi's wife's back). Once Chang and Choi were surrounded, but Chang promised to keep Choi away from the laws punishment and made sure he escaped. Chang wa imprisoned and it looks like this is the end.

Wait a minute! Chang's big and fat! So he busts righto out of jail and he and Choi continue. Chang the brawns and Choi the too too agile and small brains (Choi is, I infer, smart. Smarter than Chang to your surprise (obvious sarcasm)). On one of their rare early raids, they saw victim in a defenseless lady walking with a purse that looked like it had goodies in it (I can hear Chang now, as I listen to Rythmic Hallucination, "Hee hee hee,.. toys!"). But they were interrupted by a big white flash of Kim. They chuckled at the Big-Bird style guy who challenged them. The man that stood before them was puny (he must've had on REALLY big sleeves). They were quickly flattened by Kim. They had no idea he could fight (just another justice guy they thought) so Kim got the jump on them. Had they been ready for a fight things would have been different. Kim would have rolled up his sleeves before smiting them into oblivion.

Now Kim gets a bright idea! He will reform the two himself, so they go home with Kim to practice Tae Kwon Do (It seems Kim's wife and Kids have accepted them) and try to fake Kim into believing they are reformed so they can be free to rome and pillage as they please. They have basically given up on the idea of escaping, since Kim is too quick witted. Whenever they (basically Chang) do/does something stupid, they are awarded with a beating, Kims form of persuasion toward the good side. Hmmm... The thing is, every year, Kim thinks he's done his work. But alas EVERY year, something stupid is usually said (by Chang) and Kim gets hyped over another year of blissful hard bruising training to Choi's dismay, as he's tired of Chang's messing up and of Kim, who he consideres more of a monster than Chang. So he's still stuck. For some reason, when he finally gets his freedom, I doubt he'll go back to crime. Does his wife know where he is?????

Choi likes his old '95 outfit. That coupled with his claws and hat make a mini-Fredy Kruger. The Freddy of Seoul, bing korean and all. So anyway, Kim confiscated that outfit. Choi has no outer life, as he's constantly forced to train with Kim. He is content with Chang, who is his best friend and has been since the raiding days. He thinks Chang is very humorous and witty, since Chang is very optimistic and finds the bright sides to things etc. We all know Chang likes Leona in that special way. I think Choi finds that funny (or maybe he's jelous. It's likely...). Choi is annoyed by kim, but kinda respects him at the same time. I heard that he likes the fighters in KOF who are not down to earth, like Chin and Yuri. He thinks they are fun to fight. He and Chang REALLY like Yamazaki because he's bad. I think he and Chang try to disgrace Kim and make him look like a failure or something ('98 intro I believe, Chang vs Choi). The way Choi is dancing aroun ballet style and such makes me consider my jealousy theory...

-Sho Reppadan-

Choi: "Bikers second place and behind see only backside... hehehe, I'm gonna be first all the way!"

Kim: "Choi, what are you doing? Looks like some persuading is in order..."

Choi: "But... but i'm working diligently!"

Kim: "You didn't even take a different picture from the one at the top of the page!"

Choi: "Well, that sucks..."

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