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Heavy D! (And his Boys). haha


HeavyD! He joins the King Of Fighters representing the boxing art of fighting. His purpose? To prove that the US is the best in brawling. At least that was the purpose in '94. Being that he and his boys (Team for all who don't comprehend) Lucky G(!) and Brian B(!) didn't quite succeed in '94, they felt kind of disgraced and joined back when they got the chance to enter together as a team to redeem themselves. The year of redeemance is '98 (maybe...).

So the big guy joins in '94. He accomplishes and proves absolutely nothing and is disgraced thouroughly. This isn't good for the ol' Heavster because he likes his suave image. Unfortunetaly, when '95 rolled around, that crazy Brian goes off and gets his football team to the superbowl. Now HeavyD! will not join with anyone else, so he and Lucky wait, and wait, and wait until finally they can get into '98 (without being ambushed like the Band team did to them in '97. CrazyD!). Anyway, HeavyD! Meets (I believe) Brian and Lucky through the US's entering a team in the KOF since the teams represented countries, not themselves. HeavyD! and co. became good friends and now constantly hang with each other, which is why they wouldn't join without Brian. The thing is, HeavyD! has too much pride and rarely will discrace himself when it comes to helping most other people. He really keeps the team together even though each person thinks they are the leader.

Man it's hard to write on HeavyD! because not much is known about him. Even though he and his buds stood tall in '94, they were basically a non-entity-only being subjected to a mockery by fans of the KOF all around. This brings me to the next point. Heavy D! does not like the fact that his team is not taken seriously. No one really notices the 6' 10" surly boxer or his team and they sure as sin are not taken seriously. Strangely, in '98, they actually have been somewhat accepted after five years of Chin, Chang, and Choi. HeavyD! does not enter the King Of Fighters because he thinks that there's some evil behind it. Actually HeavyD! is a boxer who has just plain ran out of opponents willing to fight him. In the ring, strangely, he's known for his capitol defense. He wins by defending in his little tight turtle style. This explains the close in defending battle stance in '94 and the even more tucked in battle stance of '98. Take notice of HeavyD!'s jab. Straight quick and to the point, his opponents fall without anyone even remembering them getting hit! This is what the D!meister likes to do, and those toying matches led Heavy D!(I searched low, and I searched high) to the top. Don't get me wrong, The Heavy D!stroyer can end a match quickly in the first round. Boxing rivals were scared and no one challenged him like an idiot, so the whole spirit was gone. On top of that, his scheduled opponents are probably afraid to attack! So you can see how he's become discontented with boxing. That's best as I can explain Heavy's discontentment for the sport.

If you have played HeavyD!, you'll notice that he's awkward with no kick's, even though the computer plays him perfectly. Guess what, puch! (No?). Use a lot of jabs and defend a lot. Kind of like what i've described above. If someone catches on to your style, go buck wild and smite as quickly as possible. Heavy's a good "sacrificing" character because if he almost loses, you can rely on the opponents cockyness and win? Slick huh? Anyway, I'm hurting for info greatly, if you know anything, E-Mail me-the address is on the main page.

Now Here! HeavyD! Has been friends with Lucky for quite some time actually. He asked him and the fabled Brian to join him in KOF '94 fist, Heavy actually wasn't a professional boxer because he didn't have the right connections. Instead he fought in unscheduled ring bouts in gyms for sport and money. he didn't know what to expect in the KOF but now he comes in '98 more prepared.

-Sho Reppadan-

Heavy D!:"I Like Heavy Weight Defense the best..."

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