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Explanation of the Yuri Incident.

Okay, rather than explain it in great detail in every profile, I have decided to compile all of the basics on the Yuri incident here. Geese was behind the whole thing. It seems that the diligent trainer and head of the Kyokugen martial arts, Takuma Sakazaki, was feeling a bit heroic. He figured that he was strong enough to put the stop on Geese, who was polluting the city with crime. Takuma wanted the city to be safe for his kiddies, Ryo and Yuri (his wife had passed away. Who would’ve thought!)

Well, Geese had to leave on business and left Big in charge of the Southtown dealings while he was gone. Takuma was butting in, so to make things easier while Geese was gone, they decided to put him out of the fray. So one day, they kidnapped his daughter, which had him enraged (just days before Ryo and Robert found out). Ryo had no idea where his dad was, but he did find out that Yuri had been taken. Takuma was worked over in his attempt to stop Geese, and Geese had him brainwashed to work for him, it seems Takuma was too good a fighter to just waste away like that. Big kept Yuri anyway, just in case Takuma tried something if he recovered.

Ryo and Robert, who neither Big or Geese gave any thought to, set out to save Yuri, without any idea as to what they were getting into. In the process dealing with a lot of Southtowns most dangerous punks. They smote Mr. Big quickly (who in the Game of AOF 1 couldn’t even jump), and then were challenged by a mysterious guy in a kabuki mask. Ryo and Robert had learned the fabled Haoh Sho Ko Ken during this “training session” through Southtown and smote many-a-person with it.

So, Ryo was working all over this guy, after a while. Until he heard someone shout for him to stop. He turned to see Yuri (who had escaped from her closet she was locked in). She hadn’t seen light for days. She told Ryo that the man he was whooping on was their dad, Takuma. The beating was registering Takuma’s mind, so he came to his senses. Yuri was recovered, Mr. Big failed and was lucky Geese let him live, but he lost his Right Hand Man position. The Kyokugens, I think, know that Geese had something to do with it, but never got to him. Most of their hatred is for Mr. Big. And that’s that. Less work for me now.

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