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Let's carry this out without fail.


Leona, always looking all sullen and stuff. You would too, maybe. She's the only person who can cheer two mercenaries up with her gloomy-in-the-dumps demeanor. Strange and backwards, but she's popular. Who would have thought they would put a woman on the Ikari team. Nothing wrong with that.

What's the deal? Well, Leona's family died. She was found by Heidern and was brought up by him. When Heidern completed his task in the KOF, he sends Leona in his place, to a giddy-like-a-schoolgirl Ralf and an Iffy Clark. Leona's past keeps her from getting close to her mateys, but they're well on the path of changing that. What's the deal? Well, Leona's of Orochi lineag, and this has been cracking her life eversince she was a li'l girl. Twice in the KOF she went nuts. She officially filled in Heidern's spot as a third on the team (Ralf took the leader position) and kinda balences it out again, her tarnished past aloowing her to act VERY much like good ol' Hei-O-Rama. In fact, when she joined the ranks in '96, there was not much of a difference, save the lack off official orderes. Ralf was just Ralfy, but Clark thought something was strange. Sure enough, at the end of '96 when Goenitz had been defeated, Leona went on some berserk bloody rage (later known as the Riot of Blood, or what I call, the Heathen mode). The deal? Well, a strong orochi presence sends her (and a certain other someone) into this mode, being that her indirect inheritance willn't allow her to establish control, no matter how hard she tries. but she will overcome.

Alas, post '96, pre '97. Leona is caught up in a spam of a deal. It seems that, while on a mission with Ralfford and Clarky, Leona stumbles upon an unfortunate child caught up in the deck of cards, or gunfire, whichever works. This kid strikes something in the past of hers hidden even to her, and she relapses out of the deal and into a chaotic memory state. The mission gets dang zany and backfires and the soldiers have to fold this hand. Ralf fears that leona's mind is too occupied on past-played cards and decides to open a new deck by going to Heidern and asking to be put into the KOF '97 as punishment. Heidern, seeing through Ralf like a bad poker player OK's the deal and they're off. Ralf with hopes of getting Leona's mind off things, Leona with hopes of doing her best, and Clark hoping they've got sausage left for dinner. Again, a large Orochi presence causes Leona to go crazy. After she regains her flush, Leona decides that the best deal is one with the Queen of Spades, and she decided to kill herself to protect the Jacks and SAVE THE MOMS!!! Well, the moms really didn't have anything to do with it. Ralf won't let her kill herself and uses his charm to cheer her up, giving her his prize bandana (which he probably snatches back when the cameras leave). She all better now in '98 because there's no orochi....

What happened was, Leona's father was big in the Orochi leagues. He decided to break the deal and live a normal life. He started his own Royal Flush and the people in the village lived peacefully and happily. We all know who deosn't let that hapen.... Well it all started when she was a little girl. She was Playing outside one day when she saw a man in slick clothing talking to daddy. He seemed agitated but calm. This man was Goenitz, not at all happy about Leona's father's treason. (His name is either Guider or Guidel. I'll call him Guide). Guide refuses to change, and this is when Goenitz realizez that people don't succumb unless emotionally toyed with.. or killed. Take your pick (Good job Guide). Goenitz leaves, leaving a morbid promise of chaos and a morbid air behind (metaphor you sick minded people). Leona was feeling a bit sicky-wicky that night, and the Grape flavored robitussin just wasn't kicking in. Mommy said there was nothing she could do. She didn't know what was wrong. Then Leona went mad and killed her family and all the villagers. Why would she do such a thing over the lack of worth of medicine? Well it was answered when the big G came out. Goenitz had caused her to go into the ROB, or Heathen mode. Very young and frail, Leona is messed up for life. Goenitz patts her head saying she'll be a great use in the future. With that he leaves, taking some of Leona's cards with him. The early powerful orochi exposure not allowing her to play with a full deck.

Now in wreckage, the night rolls by, and Leona's memories fade away. Only bad ones come up in the future. A man called Heidern finds her in the wreckage days later (was he just out scooping up people or what? Two soldiers and a little orochi blood tainted potentially murderous lady). Having just experience some trauma of his own, he decides to attempt for a full house, taking the girl in as his daughter. Due to their pasts, they were two of a kind. Leona now officially thinks of Heidern as her father. What about Ralf? Well, he, to Leona, is a crazy nut that she strangely consideres a friend. She seems to have kind of a school-girlish crush on Clark (she is only about what, 18? 19? Most people think she's older), but she doesn't pursue it and she hides it well. She doesn't let it get two her. She and all the other Ikari's are kind of four of a kind. Each with somewhat tragic hands. But some, like Ralf and Clark, kinda dealt that to themselves, becoming soldiers and all. Now for a lesson. How is Yamazaki related to Leona. HE'S not. Yamazaki andLeona will NEVER have love affairs. Don't you agree? Well, guess what? Iori and Leona are evern FURTHER apart, neither of them being full-blooded orochi's, so one can't affect the other. Iori fans take things in stride, but I notice quite a few Leona fans thinking that she and Iori have a bond when it's likely that they have never even seen each other in person! I have an uncle in Hawaii whom I've never seen in person, and i don't feel all REAL attached to him, and I can trace the family line RIGHT TO HIM. Just facing the facts, they both have Heathen Mode. That's the only bond they've got, and that's stretching it.

AHH! Nothing worse that fighting Leona. unfortunetaly she can be REAL cheap (especially in one-button special move home versions). That Moon Slasher is TOO good. It will charge up that advanced bar and take out just about anything. The jumping X type thing is kinda worthless, and her "projectile" can be retorted easily, even if it hits (it can hit on the way back though). Do a couple of those Ice slasher ground running things, then one time just spring the second kick out of it. This confuses the begeezers out o' them. or you can just use the moon slasher. Her DMs... whew. Too strong. The V-Slasher is easy to hit with, even when fighting expert mode computer opponents. Her flippy type DM is her most obsolete, but it can be comboed in the corner off that energy ball thing, you know, hold back for 2 sec, forward and punch, (so can the V-Slasher. if you have no charged super, use a moon slasher). The slow and easily retorted rebel spark is too much a doozy, especially when SDMed. That's a lot of lost health. unfortunetaly, the way it's carried oout keeps it from being as easy to hit with and flashy as some SDMs (say O. Chris's command throw into Flaming Run SDM). Oh lowy low don't miss though, otherwise you'll be smote something feirce. it's best to keep Leona with her original team, though, and take advantage of her decent normal moves (a lot which are good air counters).

-Sho Reppadan-

Leona: "I... I just don't know what to say..."

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